Just had to update oakpal to 2.2.2 and now composite-store-alignment fails. package content not aligned to a single composite store mount (<default> and apps)
I believe its because oakpal because apps, conf, etc, & var are in the same directory (src/main/content/jcr_root) in the same maven module. I tested this by deleting all but apps and the check succeeded. I can't change the project structure so I'm looking for a way to make oakpal composite-store-alignment check work.
I did follow the docs to setting up oakpal http://adamcin.net/oakpal/oakpal-maven-plugin/usage.html I read the javadocs and it looks like I may be able to add conf, etc, & var as additional mounts to check but I don't see how. Short of disabling the check, what can I do to get oakpal to work in a scenario like this?
Edit: This wasn't an issue with oakpal 1.2.0. It only started when we updated to 2.2.2.