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Guidelines for the Responsible Use of Generative AI in the Experience Cloud Community.

Context HUB validation.


Level 4

hello all,

am implementing the context hub in our aem sites.

i have been checking the following condition:

ContextHub.eventing.on(ContextHub.Constants.EVENT_INITIALIZED + ":STORENAME", function(event, data) {

this condition is never true.


May i know what is wrong here. 

5 Replies


Level 10

Can you please post your full code example - including the full Java file. The issue may be it's in an OSGi method that is never fired. 


Level 10

Also - we are releasing an AEM API article on this subject in the next week or so. 


Level 4

thank you for the quick reply.

Am using the following check, after store is created and configured.:

if (window.ContextHub) {         

            ContextHub.eventing.on("data" + ":store",function(event,data) {
            ContextHub.eventing.on(ContextHub.Constants.EVENT_DATA_UPDATE + ":profile", function(event, data) {



the both two conditions never work.

If you see the setHeader.call without any check it works fine

AM using the context hub values and setting them in the setheader.call method.

When i do the following on the browser console


i see data.

i don't know whats wrong the above checks:(

this check is used in the js files of my code.


Level 10

Did you set a break point in the browser and step through the code. THat may help you debug the issue.


Level 4

yes i did:(

DO i have to enable any configurations in OSGI to make this work?