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Context hub not working on publish environment?


Level 3


I am using context hub for personalization in a component.

for that, I created an audience for chrome users and Firefox users and the activities and so on.

So I authored different content for "default", chrome and firefox audience.

So it is working well and as expected on the author instance.

But when I view the page on PUBLISH environment it is showing default content only and not chrome or firefox content.

Tested on both AEM 6.4 and 6.5

P.S. I have activated page, audience, activities everything.

25 Replies


Employee Advisor

Go to crxde on publish and check if the custom contexthub data is available there?

Check the following paths:



Level 3

Sorry for late reply and yes above path is available.

Now a strage thing is happeniing, i restartwd aem publish instance and found context hub to be working fine.

Then i targeted another component which also didnt work. restarted the instance and it worked fine.

I dont understand what seems to be the problem. Any idea?


Level 2

I have the same issue as well. Different project but similar setup. We have even deep dived into the source code a bit to get the understanding if there's something missing but apparently not.

All the activities, segements are published.

contexthub and segment.seg.js file is also loaded into the network but apparently only after the restart of the publish its picking up the new changes. Seems like a bug ? Works fine on author.

Can you have a look at this ? kautuksahni


Level 3

yes i am quite sure this is a bug?


Level 5


What you are facing may be expected behavior. Can you please review the note below in documentation [1]

ContextHub is not by default aware of the currently logged in used on publish servers and such users are regarded by ContextHub as “Anonymous.”

You can make ContextHub aware of logged in users by loading the profile store as implemented in the We.Retail reference site. Refer to the relevant code on GitHub here.

Basically, you may have to load some code (make an AJAX call) to load profile data into the store.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Aneet Arora

[1] Adding ContextHub to Pages and Accessing Stores


Level 2

Hi Aneet,

       Issue is not related to the context awareness of logged in users. I also tested it with logging into publish instance with admin account and still its the same issue unfortunately :/

PS : Tested with We-Retail of vanilla 6.5 instance and it's the same issue so not specific to any project or configuration.

Thanks and regards,



Level 5

Hello timmymathew

Thank you for clarifying. You may be facing something different from the original poster.

Are you able to check the details in the browser's console for loaded Store data? You can execute commands such as the following


to check if the Profile store is getting populated.

Thank you,

Aneet Arora


Level 2

Hey Aneet,

          Yes Im able to get the data. So basically all the scripts are loaded and contexthub is also initialized. I can also see that the data is getting stored into the store.

This is very much identical to the original poster. If I restart my publish instance then it seems to work fine. To check this I also tested this on vanilla 6.4 and 6.5 instance it doesn’t work.

On author instance it also work for 6.4 and 6.5. So something very specific to publisher. Permission is not the issue have already tested that part.

It does work in 6.3. So I think something within the engine got screwed up during repository restructuring from 6.4 onwards.

You can also reproduce this very easily in any 6.4 or 6.5 instance as below.

Create any page under we-retail. Add a title component. And target it with audience male and female. Then I use this to trigger it to check on author and publish which works fine on author and not on publish.

var a = ContextHub.getStore(’profile’);


Thanks and regards,



Former Community Member

ContextHub is a tool that is meant for Author.


Level 2

I don’t think so. It was full fledged working in 6.3 on on both Author and Publish. Its the out of the box targeting engine if you don’t want to use the enterprise Test n Target solution.


Level 3

Hi Aneet,

I have also tested with a user logged in on publish but still see only default data and not the personalized one.

I have done personlaization based on browser family.

I can see the correct browser family in context hub object in local storage and i am also not logged in as anonymous but as admin.

I am testing all this on we-retail site only.

Timmy's problem and mine are same.





Please log a Daycare support case and report the issue.

Enterprise Support


Former Community Member

The AEM documentation state ContextHub is used when authoring pages. [0]

0. ContextHub


Level 2

Hi Joeb,

        Please read the documentation carefully. It doesn’t say it’s meant only for authors. As I mentioned before its a full fledged mechanism which works on both author and publish before 6.4 repository restructuring.

Only difference is on author you get the tools to simulate the behaviour in the UI module of contexthub so you can check if all the configurations are setup correctly and right audiences are selected but on publish it works only with javascript coz you dont want the end user to keep simulating things.

Also think practically what’s the benefit of having it only in author after doing all the configuration.

Also before 6.4 & 6.5 it was working as per the use case in 6.3 for author and publish.

I have raised the support ticket and adobe has identified it as issue.

I hope I have given you enough info for the same answer


Level 3

Hi Timmy,

Please let me know when you hear anything from adobe regarding this issue.

It will be wonderful if you can just update this thread with your ticket resolution details.




Level 2

Sure I will.


Level 3

Hi timmymathew

Any update about the ticket? I have had this same problem and I have resolved when I restarted the publish instance.


Level 2

Hi timmymathew

I am facing the issue with AEM 6.3 SP3 its fine with SP2, It would be helpful if you share the resolution


Level 3

Hi shubhamg94002854alissonxavier0105suniln13212398​,

         I create a daycare ticket and they acknowledged that there was an issue at the publish. They will release the fix with the next cumulative pack somewhere in September, 2019. Meanwhile for testing purpose they sent me a code fix package which if you install via the crx/packmgr works fine for me.

I'm attaching the code fix for 6.4 (I haven't tested it yet with 6.5) but its soley for testing purpose and adobe doesn't recommend to use it on production though the fix works fine they want to launch it official release

This message box doesn't allow me to upload the zip file so I've uploaded it to the drive.


Hope this helps


Level 3

Thanks a lot Timmy Mathew