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Cache invalidation on Adobe Faslty cdn using purge API with X-Forwarded-Host will also Invalidate cache on customer managed Akamai CDN?


Level 1

using purge API call to invalidate the adobe managed CDN cache with " X-Forwarded-Host" will invalidate or refresh the Cache on customer managed CDN automatically.
we are using TTL based approach for cache invalidation on both adobe cdn & custom CDN. We want to invalidate the cache immediately before TTL expires on a publishing the content.

-X PURGE "https://publish-p1234-e5467.adobeaemcloud.com/resource-path" \
-H 'X-AEM-Purge-Key: "my_purge_key"
-H 'X-AEM-Edge-Key: "my_edge_key" 
-H 'X-Forwarded-Host: "my_forwarded_domain"


1 Accepted Solution


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Community Advisor



I think you might be misreading the documentation. You can purge the Adobe CDN cache (Fastly) from the Customer CDN (Akamai), but not the other way around. The docs shared and comments from others refer to the first scenario, where you flush the Fastly cache from the Akamai (Customer CDN) by adding the necessary headers.



Hope this clears up your doubts.

Esteban Bustamante

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4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @kgpraveen 

Yes, it seems so according to the CDN cache documents


Arun Patidar


Level 10

Hi @kgpraveen,

every CDN has a different cache purging API. I wasn't unaware there was a feature to purge customer CDN as well.

Please let us know if it works as expected and which CDN you are using.


Good luck,



Community Advisor

Hi @kgpraveen 


Yes, you can try to invalidate Adobe CDN from customer CDN by using below headers:-

  •   Use X-Forwaded-for    
  • Use the "X-AEM-Edge-Key" header:
When sending a purge request to the Adobe CDN from your customer CDN, include the "X-AEM-Edge-Key" header with the correct authentication value. 
  • Provide necessary details:
    Depending on the setup, you might also need to include other headers like "X-Forwarded-Host" to identify the origin of the request


Correct answer by
Community Advisor



I think you might be misreading the documentation. You can purge the Adobe CDN cache (Fastly) from the Customer CDN (Akamai), but not the other way around. The docs shared and comments from others refer to the first scenario, where you flush the Fastly cache from the Akamai (Customer CDN) by adding the necessary headers.



Hope this clears up your doubts.

Esteban Bustamante