Hi Please assist here, my replies to the community members answer on my community post/question disappear. This has been happening since yesterday. I have tried to delete some special characters from the content of my reply and even tried to put the stack traces inside a code input box but that didn...
Does anyone faced issue like below when accessing AEM with maven devops provision? If you know how to fix, please share the details.Failed to execute goal devops:devops-maven-plugin:1.0.13:provision (default-cli) on project aem-stack-repo: Execution default-cli of goal devops:devops-maven-plugin:1.0...
i am getting myConfig.class returning as Null. below is the code to fetch it in my sling model class. Resource contentResource = resolver.getResource(currentPage.getPath());ConfigurationBuilder caconfig = contentResource.adaptTo(ConfigurationBuilder.class); //caconfig is returning value and its non-...
Good morning, my Author machine only allows Ldap users to log in.Could you tell me if SlingRepository's "repository.login" function uses the ldap module? The code contained in a "service" is the following:Reference private SlingRepository repository;...session = repository.login(new SimpleCredential...
Hi All,I have created a custom accordion component by using slingresourceSupertype:core/wcm/components/accordion/v1/accordion .I have added two text component inside the Accordion Component. And tried to show that title of each component that I putted inside the Accordion component along with the co...
Hi there, I'm trying to set up our dispatcher, but realize attacker able to bypass the default filter by appending ";%0aJLN.ico" such as some of the endpoints affected like "https://website.com/check.jsp;%0aJLN.ico" I realize this extension below allow the attacker to go through any extension listed...