We have several large legal documents that exist as Adobe PDF files. We'd like to import them into Adobe Experience Manager such that they can be converted to HTML markup and displayed as web pages via AEM. This seems like it should be an easy task, but I can't find any documentation on how this wou...
Hi, I downloaded SDK instance for cloud(2022.1.6198.20220113T173638Z-211100) and setup author instance when I open CRXD there is no core components package that is /apps/core so that I manually added core components packages then after I created a wknd spa react project with archetype 34 by followi...
Hi, I downloaded sdk instance for cloud then I after i created a wknd-spa-react project with archtype34 and deployed into instance then im getting this issue *ERROR* [CM Event Dispatcher (Fire ConfigurationEvent: pid=org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit.RepositoryInitializer~wknd-spa-react)] com.adobe.gran...
Hi All,Could you please let me know how to write junit for the below method generating randomId in sling model.public String getRandomId() { int n=8; byte[] array = new byte[256]; new Random().nextBytes(array); String randomString = new String(array, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); StringBuff...
Hi , I need some pointers on how can we add the custom tile to the report wizard screen as shown tp generate a report. e.g. if i have to generate report for all sku's added within particular time frame so how can i add it to this screen. If anyone has implemented or has any idea about it please let ...
Hi experts could any one help me here. How we can detect whether content is updated or not in a content fragment by comparing the last published date with last modified date on content fragment properties. If modified date is greater than last published date then you can consider that content is upd...
Hi There, I am using the date picker in the content fragment but when changing its display format to (EEEE, MMM, YYYY HH:mm a). Everything except "EEEE" working fine. "EEEE" is returning digits. As per my understanding "EEEE" should return current day value.example, for today it should return "Thur...
I am facing the below runtime error:Method threw 'io.jsonwebtoken.lang.UnknownClassException' exception. io.jsonwebtoken.lang.UnknownClassException: Unable to load class named [io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwtParserBuilder] from the thread context, current, or system/application ClassLoaders. All heu...
Is there a way to include nested multifield using sling mapper in a single file? @Inject protected Resource resource; List<Map<String, String>> marketData = new ArrayList<>(); List<Map<String, String>> marketContactData = new ArrayList<>(); @ChildResource(name="listItems", injectionStrate...
Hi, I'm currently facing a lot of issues trying to shorten the URL in an AEM project using the spa editor.Currently we have a structure similar to /content/project/en/home.html that is rewritten to just /en/home/ using dispatcher mod_rewrite.The SPA router just doesn't understand the short URLS, res...