Hi, After creating a login page in AEM, what is the best approach to manage access control on the components in the pages. for example:We have following 2 users,user 1user 2 AEM Page 1Component 1 (User 1 and User 2 both can view)Component 2 (User 1 only)Component 3 (User 2 only)
Hello, is it possible to access the url of "view as published" directly on the author without going through the page editor and get the same render?When we access it directly currently for some pages the output and page layout is different (contains some gray layout boxes like in the editor).Is it m...
HiI need to find out where a component is used on an AEM 6.5 instance. How can I do that? What tool do I use? Lets say my AEM component name is Video.Thanks in advance.
Hi All, Once I get the downloaded package using page exporter (default template) for my project structure, html page doesn't load the css/js files, it renders unformatted data. Also, I observed, all the css/js available on the page is not part of the dowloaded packageMy project has static pages, fol...
I understand the csrf token should not be cached at the dispatcher level. How does this play out when a CDN is in front of the dispatcher? Is it OK for the CDN to cache the csrf token? Would that be a likely configuration by default? Should we instead configure the CDN to forward the tokens back to...
we support multi-domain web sites in the project and trying to create a automated process to clear the cache from akamai when a page published/replicated. we have AMS environment with AEM 6.5.x and will be using Akamai purge rest api. what are the steps we do on the AEM side. I was trying to follo...
Dear community, I'd like to build my own custom carousel that allows the user to not only choose the file in pathfield from rootPath,but also upload the file from local to the given asset folder and automatically fill the pathfield with the asset path just created. Yes now I can upload files onto as...
Hello, I am going to search or delete assets in Dynamic Media Classic. I do find SOAP APIs provided for this purpose. I follows the example (http://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2020/04/aem-6540-assets-dynamic-media-standalone-script-to-search-assets-in-scene7.html). The first problem is the jar file ...
Code For Reference - public int[] getMomentYearsArr() { int[] years = new int[this.moments.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.moments.size(); i++) { OurHistoryMoments moment = this.moments.get(i); years[i] = moment.getMomentYear(); } return years;}