Hi Team, We are getting below error in our one of instance 15.08.2022 11:26:12.215 ERROR [ [1660577172204] GET /content/marketing-site/gold-standard-pages/quotations.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.render.ObjectModel Cannot access method tags on object com.demoapp.infr...
In our PROD Author I have a single page that has 2 RTE components. When I add a link or mailto into these RTE components it changes the text to the link blue but if viewed as published it return them as if they are not linked at all. When the page is published the links work fine.. I just can't figu...
Our team is currently looking into building a proof of concept experience fragment that we can test in different subsites to see how it will render. I've been looking for information on how to add an existing page template as an experience fragment or how to create a new one, but what I've tried so ...
Our team is considering using experience fragments to include custom forms into pages via the experience fragment component. Some of our subsites utilize different styling, however, so we were wondering; when including an experience fragment in a page, does it utilize the CSS in the experience fragm...
Hello AEM Experts, have a requirement related to MSM. Requirement is to have (en + few languages) for which we have translations happen using Smartling. The content (Text) will be same across all the languages however the assets might be different for different languages. Considering the requirement...
Hi All, I am getting ssl handshake timeout error in error logs: 13.09.2022 13:42:37.432 *WARN* [reactor-tcp-nio-1] reactor.netty.http.client.HttpClientConnect [id:c951411d, L:/ - R:***-aem.staging.percolate.services/] The connection observed an errorio.netty.ha...
Hi Team, I have a local page for some reason the entire content disappeared and now page is not editable Unfortunatly there is no version was created..., Can anyone guide me. Thanks, Vani
I am using AEM’s Jackson exporter to export AEM content as JSON. I want to know if there is way to measure the response time for Jackson exporter in aem? For example, http:4502/content/test/jcr:content/root/container/componentName.model.json ... @Exporter( name = CommonConstants....
Anyone has implemented custom recommendation based on tags or clicks of any component. Like If there article pages , what to show some recommended article based on the user clicks or interest. We have adobe target but not looking for target as source, wanted to build in-house recommendations . A...