I am getting the below error because of that, OSGi bundle is not starting. org.jsoup,version=[1.13,2) -- Cannot be resolvedorg.jsoup.nodes,version=[1.13,2) -- Cannot be resolvedorg.jsoup.select,version=[1.13,2) -- Cannot be resolved
We are currently moving from static to editable templates, And We have thousands of Product Category and Product Detail pages. Static template version (Current Scenario) - In the Product Detail page we have a right section which is iparsys, Which inherits content from a category page (immediate Pare...
What do we need to consider in CPU/RAM when "Number of Calls per Request" is going to be changed from 1000 -> 10000. which of the following env can get above change ? CQ_JVM_OPTS="-server -Xms1024m -Xmx3096m CQ_JVM_OPTS="-server -Xms8192m -Xmx8192m CQ_JVM_OPTS="-server -Xms12228m -Xmx12228m Than...
I'm using AEM 6.5.10. I need to inject aria-label with a dynamic value along with class and role which has been rendered in the HTML structure. <div role="navigation" class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3" aria-label="headingvalue"> The 'headingvalue' is a dynamic value which should keep on changing b...
Hi Team, How I can get browser URL in sling model for example if the browser URL is https://www.xyz.com/ i need to get this url in sling model so that i need to do some update based on condition. can some one help here.
Hello, we need to proxy some locations with mod_proxy proxypass directive,I am struggling with the way to disable dispatcher for some paths: in <Location > tags in apache is it possible to use SetHandler default-handler and then proxypass?would this be needed after the generic <Directory / > disp...
I have a custom component say "componentA" ->I am writing my business logic in my sling model of the component and using the fields via annotation @ValueMapValue ->and using the properties in HTL via e.g : ${model.propertyOne} -> But when I put two component on the same page , my HTL behaves very d...
Hi I have added rep:glob restriction on "/content/we-retail/us" as shown in below fig. When I am login Aem using TestUser credentials I should not able to access /content/we-retail/us as it is in restriction but TestUser able to access. Why this is so? Please let me know how restriction are worki...
Hi, I am following the WKND tutorial and learning how to build custom components. I have created a component definition and sync'd it to AEM, but the component is not recognized by the system. What could be the cause of this? At this step, the component is not available in my local instance. ...