Hi All, I am trying to setup a replication agent between my author and publish server(Default Replication agent on Author). when I test the connection and page keep spinning in browser. Below is the error i get in replication.log (Bold) 26.09.2022 22:12:44.949 *INFO* [sling-oak-observation-15] com...
Is there any known issue with image core components in publish instance? It is loading fine on author but not on publish. I am noticing the image url shortening which is not letting the image to load. I am on 6.5.12 and using core component version 2.19.0
Does anybody know when the projected release date for uber-jar v.6.5.14 is to the general public? It looks like the current latest version is at 6.5.13.
Has anyone been able to get the Remote SPA feature working with Angular? All the Adobe articles and sample apps are centered around React or Android. I am able to import all the necessary Adobe Angular SPA and the AEM Headless Client libraries with NPM and get the Angular app to compile but I am n...
I'm working on implementing the Embed V2 component. I want to add a new embedded component to implement Spotify. I've copied the YouTube component and changed the field names in the dialog. I'm having issues with getting things to show properly. I have the YouTube and Spotify components under the...
Hi Team, We have one experience fragment in experience fragment we have one component. component is working fine but when we tried to inject the request object and to get the browser URL inside @postconstruct method we are not able to get the request inside the post construct method. any one ...
Hi All, I have a requirement that i have to capture multifield add and delete them and make ajax call after modification and capture fields. i am using a ajax call inside dialog-success function. It is working fine for adding multifields, but failing for delete. Whenever i delete any entry and save ...
Hi All, We are getting below error when clicking on Smart crop Below steps was done for smart crop setup 1. Dynamic media configuration is done and success 2. Image profile is created with smart crop option and applied to a folder 3. Uploaded the image to the folder and when clicked on smartcr...