I am trying to make some changes in the content.xml and then deploy it using command " mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage" But the changes do not reflect on the content. I have to uninstall the package and install the package manually only the changes are reflected. Anyone know why? =====...
Hi Currently we have code to programmatically create a content fragment with variations. The process is: 1. create content fragment 2. create content fragment variation and populate all the variation elements by calling the createVariation method below: public static void createVariation(ContentFr...
Everyone says that resource type servlet is recommended over path type servlet as there will be benefit of ACLs, can someone explain with an example how ACLs can be achieved and why resource type servlet is best?
I'm using AEM 6.5.10. We are trying to identify the list of images in assets which has dam:assetState as processing. Can someone help with the query to identify the assets list which has as dam:assetState as processing and also bring on the jcr:lastModified property value along with it. Thanks i...
Hello, In AMS ,Team A and Team B works on the same project sharing same project repo in bitbucket which will be pushed to AMS cloud repo via bamboo. if they want to deploy team A code changes alone to the environment though team B new code changes are present in repo, Can we restrict any specific...
What would be the best route to take on implementing a scheduled maintenance or downtime banner on all sites on the same Prod instance? I have a couple of ideas in mind, but also looking for a better way or additional ideas on how to incorporate this for all of our sites. If there is another threa...
Hi Team, I have written a custom getData() method overlayed as per the below documentation to extend and customize the Adobe Client Data Layer. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/integrations/adobe-client-data-layer/data-layer-customize.html?lang=en @Overridepub...
Hi Everyone, I could see a few unwanted properties like cq:lastModified, cq:lastReplicated, cq:lastReplicatedBy automatically added for every node. I tried deleting it manually for my website Content Fragment models but after changing anything it got added again. Is there any setting using which I...
I want to send an email when a workflow is approved or rejected. The dynamic participant step has an option for sending an email. Does AEMaaCS have a default SMTP server for sending emails? or We should have our own SMTP server and configure using Day CQ Email service (https://experienceleague.adobe...
Hi everyone, I am following this page(Delegation Pattern for Sling Models · adobe/aem-core-wcm-components Wiki · GitHub)and try to customize title component,but it still returns the originial title. Is there something else i need to do besides create pageHeadline component in ui.apps and model f...