Hi Is there any way of checking if a page was unpublished before it was published?Want to check when (Date) it got published and when (Date) it got unpublished and User who published & unpublishedThanks in Advance !!!
Hello, I am trying to patch AEM 6.5 but as per document it says Automatic installation There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install Experience Manager Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online. The package is a...
I'm following this guide to set up email notifications in AEM via OAuth, as it is required to send emails via Microsoft Office 365. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/notification.html?lang=en#microsoft-outlook The question I have is about the ...
Hi All, At present client is using Vivisimo search to perform search on sites. Client decided to go with new search implementations and deprecate vivisimo search. Client site does sitemap, pages search using vivisimo search. I am completely new to "search implementations" and looking for what se...
I'm having an issue where the querybuilder will occasionally return incorrect results. I have a requirement to add a label to collections containing assets with a restricted tag. It works most of the time, but occasionally the querybuilder will return collections that don't contain any restricted as...
Hello All, I have a use case, where I am looking for ideas from the communities. Use Case: We are creating the end user in the publish instance (/home/users/*), Before activating the user, We need to add a participant workflow(Approval step) in the author. I tried reverse sling con...
Hi, This issue is occurring in our Stage and Prod Public URL authoring instances, but works perfectly fine in our direct IP authoring instances. The cq.authoring.dialog, which generates our "all.min.css" file, is not loading the most updated code when new css files are added or edited with thi...
Hello Everyone, I am attempting to build a content fragment with a content/fragment reference multifield. Data saves to the JCR correctly, but after building the multifields are not populated. The data exists in the JCR but the multifields are blank. However, If after building I edit the content fra...
Hi, I am rookie to AEM trying to use Manage Controlled Process - Asset Ingestor tool to upload assets. After I start/run the process I do not see the process status on MCP dashboard tried to clear browser cache and re-check but no luck. I do not see any errors on server log as well. Thank you.