Hello, From what I've seen of the AEM / Workfront Enhanced Connector, it has some really nice capabilities when integrating AEM Assets with Workfront projects. Does the connector also integrate with Workfront DAM? If not, are there any existing connectors that are able to integrate AEM Assets with...
Hi all, After a long time we have set up our publisher instance and now facing issues in recognizing all the dependencies required before publishing Content Fragments, pages, etc. Whenever I try to publish any item it fails and then I need to find the missing item and publish it. It seems a time-c...
I'm trying to use the embed component and when I use html that has an iFram with the height set to a number and the width set to a percent, the width is invalidated and removed but the height passes. How do I change the regex so that widht="100%" does not get filtered out? From the /libs/cq/xsspro...
Hello, I want to synchronise all user within the instance to particular time. Normaly doing a scheduled job by creating a service and an appropiate config. But how can I achive it with a jmx service? In example synchronsing groups and users from ldap seems only be available as jxm service.
I want to upload images to AEM through Assets API. I see you can add binary files but my question is that how can I possibly upload image assets using image Url which is publicly accessible on web? Like do I need to convert it into blob and then upload it via assets api or is there a better way for ...
I am trying to publish the project but while running these commands ------------------------------------------------------------------- mvn -PautoInstallPackagePublish clean install mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install -Daem.port=4503 but i am getting error that ----------------------...
Hi, While authoring the image component in AEMaaCS, I am getting the above error (code 500). I am using the latest SDK of cloud and core component 2.19.0 Same thing is working on AEM On premise The issue I found is the src pointing to content/project path instead it should point to dam. In the...
I have a csv file placed in dam , I want to write a groovy script to update the csv file with the new data, the data I am able to fetch with the script only thing that is require is to push it into csv file e.g : how to push "demo data " to csv file Please help me out here, what could be the pos...
Hi all, I'm using the image core component without renditions default behaviour and I'm using a js lib. The think is that I'm using a data-src attr that uses the image.src property. But this image is rendered with a smaller size (1280x568px) than the original (4320x1920px). The path is: data-src="...