I am getting this error message “org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized” while trying to hit the api of this url “https://author-p69802-e616155.adobeaemcloud.com”. I have implemented SSL certification also but still getting the same error message....
After updating my local from 6.5 to 6.5.12, my Toggle Side Panel button is missing from the top left when trying to edit pages. Is this a known issue and is there a solution for getting this back? Instead of this... I get this... The Console log shows this...
Hi All, I have below query to be executed in AEM Java. Author authors a multifield component( consists fragment path , fragment tags) to pull multiple content fragments based on path , tags. Here I have path1 with some tags, path2 with some different tags. result: select (path1 matching any of au...
I have been tasked with working on the Embed component but they want to use V2 and my local instance is at a WIP state and not working. What I am looking for is a package I can apply that will update to a working and released version.
Hi I have Touch Ui Dialog, in that dialog I have 5 fields are there. So when author open dialog and submit without author anything [all dialog fields are empty] on that time we have to show alert like "No value entered .please add at least one of the field..." Please help me thanks in advanc...
Hi everyone, so when I need to add a query for contains I use like operation as shown below: ``` type=nt:unstructuredpath=/content/dam/en/articlesnodename=masterorderby=@titlep.limit=0p.skip=0p.hits=selectivep.properties=jcr:pathproperty=primaryCategoryTagproperty.value=%rally%property.operation=l...
Hi, AEM 6.5.13 Step 1: Created Folder through configuration browser. Step2: Enabled options as below as below: Step3: Created GraphQL ENDpoint as below: Step4: once we click on create button, It gives us below message. I simply click on close. PROBLEM STATEMENT: When we acces...
Hello, I want to using AEM 6.5 intern compoent to synchronise groups and users from active directory. I followed the steps from https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/administering/security/ldap-config.html?lang=en and https://aem4beginner.blogspot.com/aem-with-ldap-integrat...
How can I implement case insensetive property queries in group? Here's an example: nodename=mastergroup.p.or=truegroup.1_property=titlegroup.1_property.value=%articlegroup.1_property.operation=like I want to do something like: `group.1_property.caseSenstivity=false`