I have one custom carousel Component having more than 3 slides (authorable). These slides are custom Media Component. Now my requirement is i want to show one logo (authorable) to the top left corner of "only 1st slide". How can i achieve that? Because if i will put the authoring logo option in M...
Hi Team, Had a query. We have container component with two styles Fixed and Full Width. Now in container we are dropping other components which has their on styles. Example component text has few styles and component linked list has no style. Now, when we click on text component and try hitting p...
Hi All, I am trying to create SPA project with AEM 6.5.14 using archetype 27. so far i have been successfull to create integrate and develop a custom component successfully as mentioned SPA tutorials of adobe. the issue started when i wanted to author custom component created (Open - Weather) on...
Hi, We have a scenario where we need to build a tool for business users internally within the company network but not exposed to the outside world, and its ideal purpose is for business folks to do a data entry/re-arrange items using drag/drop functionality and have this data stored in a DB. Is th...
I am using AEM as a Cloud Service and running the 6.5 quickstart jar locally. Not sure which archetype version was used but it's recent (earlier this year) I have followed the documentation here: Using with Maven (adobe-consulting-services.github.io) I am trying to set up the 404 module but it'...
How can we make a particular language copy of the main site refers/use the respective Experience Fragments in a similar language/folder structure? Docs here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/get-started/localization.html?lang=en#example states they are ...
Hello, Is there any way to display of list of pages/ list of content fragment in a custom FORM having a dropdown field. I know we can do it using APIs and all, but is there any better way like extending some Granite3 Page picker etc. Note: 1) Not talking about touch UI dialog/Form. 2) This Form ...
When the request url is lets say /content/myapp.html and sling:resourceType of myapp is /apps/myapp/components/myappcomponent. Scenario 1: under myappcomponent, lets say there are following files myappcomponent.html, myappcomponent.esp In this case myappcomponent.html will be rendered. Scenar...
Hello Team, We are facing heap memory issue for our application . Would like to check what should Minimum Heap Size Allocation for Ecommerce application in ideal scenario ? we know it depends upon user, traffic etc. Looking for recommendations ...