Hi all, we have successfully configured SAML authentication by following the instructions: SAML 2.0 on AEM as a Cloud Service - Adobe Experience Manager Now we're trying to configure the log out as well, but we can't find any documentation about it. Can anyone point us in the right direction? Th...
Hi Team, I have a requirement like "to search for an asset based on the metadata schema that the parent folder or root folder is mapped to. Please help me to resolve this issue. Thank You, Kaibalya Jena
Dear All, I have written one test class called AgenciesCommunityNodeAmangerServletTest.java for my java class AgenciesCommunityNodeAmangerServlet.java when I am running my test class then I am getting below error ******************** TEST CLASS ERROR ********************** java.lang.NullPoin...
Hi, I am trying to resize the layout container in my template but it's not changing. Is it mandatory to add grid.less file into our project to achieve responsiveness? Can anyone please help.Thank you.
i have two fields one is text and another is pathfield if textfield is authored then paathfield should be requiredif textfield is not authored then pathfield not requiredcan anyone help how to write js for this?
Hello everyone. I got some issues saving data inside Adobe Granite Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Policy in publish instance( http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr > Adobe Granite Cross Origin Resource Sharing Policy ). I put an asterisk in the field "Allowed Origins" to allow any and save...
AEM Version: 6.5.14I am trying to use custom font in AEM Forms.The font is included in AEM clientlibs but won't apply to forms in pages.I tried to apply font through the theme editor.For this I followed the Answer of this Question and also followed this blog.I checked the logs of the com.day.cq.dam....
I hava page in AEM that has a fixed component B and can have one or more components A. The value (multifield paths) of components A (@ValueMapValue) are then used in the logic of component B. Components A and Component B are not nested components. They are separate components with their own dialog ...
I have some debug logs in AEM (AMS). I created new debug log files for my package in lower environments (dev and stage) to see all debug logs. In lower environments, there are no issues, but in production, Felix Console is disabled, and we cannot create any debug log files. What is the process fo...