One of my persistent queries recently stopped working in the lower environment(Dev) while it is still working in the higher(Production) environment. The content fragment model name is content-json and the title is Content JSON. The QueryType not recognized now is contentJSONByPath which was working ...
Hello Folks, I am trying to extend Text core component and want to add additional pulgins in RTE.So, I did it using Adobe recommended approach as below, My Component content xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.o...
When i try to use the search functionality of We.Retail website on the local host, the whole screen turns red when i click on the search icon. I tried installing a fresh package on AEM but it still doesn't work. Can someone help me regarding this issue.
Hi, We are using AEM 6.5.11 and our online revision cleanup is failing for quite some time and as a result segment store size has increased to 1178%.We also tried running offline compaction but it was running for more than 36 hours and we have to kill the process as we have to get the system back.Ca...
Hi All,I am trying to disable the unpublish option for authors groups from Page information of root node of a page and other child pages should have publish & unpublish options. Admins should be able to publish root node .I tried using render condition by overlaying unpublish node ,however it disabl...
Hi All I want to know all workflows that got triggered / executed when an asset is uploaded to AEM? I checkedTools -> workflow -> InstancesTools -> workflow -> Archive But I could not find any records of workflow in the above paths. However, in my logs I could see var/workflow/instances/server0/upda...
Hello, All the Image tags always renders loading=lazy attribute in the html even though we are not using image core component. Note: I have not used AEM core components nor hard coded the attribute in the html. We are using dynamic media for image renditions.
Hello! So this has been working for the longest time for me our SAML services had no issues. Recently my EC2 instance seems to have crashed or had a full reboot and now the SAML handler page is returning not modifiable. I have confirmed that the servlet is being resolved when I put the path in. I ch...
Hello,I am trying to get my SlingModel to return status of 404... which is possible, but then I would also like my sling model to push the user to the/libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp page which I am expecting:Cannot serve request to /content/my-site.home in BundledScriptServlet (/libs/sling/...
Hi folks,I have a lot of .snapshot packages in /etc/packages/<various>/.snapshot directories. I have been deleted them with curl scripts as they are taking up space. Just checking it is o.k. to do this . thanksFiona