Hello,I am needing to create a Workflow that automatically resizes an Asset upon upload if it is above a particular size. I understand how to create "Renditions", but I need to be able to provide transformations (using the CommandLine or other Step) on the original image. Is this possible? If so, ho...
Hi, I am using nested multifield in AEM SPA with react .When I am trying to access the <page url>.model.json, nothing is rendered. But, when I try to retrieve with component node path,<page-node-path>.model.json, then it returns the component json. Please let me know how can I retrieve nested multif...
Theme/Styles are not loading for adaptive form in one of the publisher stage instance(stage-publisher1) but form is loading perfectly in another stage environment(stage-publisher2). I am getting 404 error page in browser and below warnings in logs when I access pub1 theme url, whereas pub2 url is pr...
On Dispatcher POST/GET call with Selector is giving error but without selector it is working fine. But I want it to work with selector. I have allowed selector in filter still it is not working. This issue appeared after the shortening of the URL. Without shortening it was working fine. My servlet i...
Hi, Create a custom workflow report that takes the start, end dates as inputs and generate a report containing workflows that ran during that time period. the report contains model, title, payload, workflow status and duration of the workflow if the status is completed. TIA
I have created a persisted Graphql query to access headless data and every thing is done I save the Query in Graphql and during copy URL click I am getting this error popup "The Clipboard API is not available" as shown below please help me in getting the url of the Graphql que...
I am following link https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/cloud-service/developing/rde/how-to-setup.html?lang=en to set up RDE.Here are the logs -C:\Program Files>npm install -g @adobe/aio-clinpm WARN deprecated @oclif/screen@3.0.4: Deprecated in favor of @oclif/corenpm WA...
Hi team, I have a node structure like below where I need to get the Parent node path from the child node that meant I need get the grand parent path from a grand child. Like getting the current node path using ${currentNode.ideentifier} , Can be done using HTL or sling models. Please guide me in bot...
Hi, I want to run the loop in HTL with some condition like if my data size is 3 ( less than 3) it should run 1 time or if data size is 6 (in between 4-6) ,it should run 2 times and so on for this i have written a loop that run with the size and inside that i need to put up a condition which return...
Current state :AMS AEM 6.5 latestACS Commons' latest version.Issue : Unable to receive email when using emailservice.sendemail in my custom workflow process while logs shows that recipient email id and message: email sent successfully.Same custom code base is sending emails via fakesmtp server on lo...