HI Team,I have two user groups - Authors and Approvers. When authors author the content (say changing an image, changing the text of a component etc) and publishes, a workflow will be started and it goes to Approvers group. Is there a way for Approvers to visually see the changes made by Authors in ...
Hello Community im new to AEM Sites and i'm trying to start a project but i have some problems and i can't find the cause so i will show what i did. As pre-requisites i have installed correct java ver and apache maven ver. To create a new project i create an empty forder and use the following comman...
Hi Team,I have a blueprint and live copy (based on that blueprint) site. I also have an author group with the following permissions.An user in that author group needs to successfully rollout updates to existing pages within the blueprint. But it throws permission denied exception. Please help me u...
Hi Team, I have installed Aseet-Share-Commons(asset-share-commons-2.5.6) package in in AEM installed below packages: git hub path :https://github.com/adobe/asset-share-commons/releasesasset-share-commons.all-2.5.4-cloud.zipasset-share-commons.all-2.5.4.zipasset-share-commons.ui.content.sample-2.5.4...
One of our security team member was successful in accessing critical AEM nodes by bypassing dispatcher using this special encoding technique that uses ASCII code for the } character (Example: * /.%7D./.%7D./.%7D./.%7D./.%7D./)To bypass authentication they downloaded an auth certificate using this v...
Is there any good documentation for generation of Access tokens for accessing Assets HTTP API from any third party applications? This is an OnPrem instance and not AEMAACS
Hi All, Wanted to know the risks of a project not migrating to the latest pack.I have an AEM project running on the 6.3 version. The Adobe document says the Extended end-of-life support was on 30th April 2022 - https://helpx.adobe.com/support/programs/eol-matrix.html.Need to know the Risk of not mov...
Hi all,I'm struggling with exporting JSON from a component with a Parsys.Basically I have this component (a sort of container) without fields but only with a parsys.This parsys could only accept one type of child component.Now i'm interested to export a JSON of this "father" component using a SlingM...