Hi All - So i ran into weird issue today. We have an external saas provider jar file for which we created a bundle and installed it on our AEM server. We included this external saas provider jar file as dependency in our pom.xml and the code builds perfectly fine and our application jar file is depl...
Hi, I'm trying to install the adobe I/O CLI plugin for cloudManager to authenticate Performance but it's giving me error when I run the command to install plugin. I try running this in home dir and in project dir but no luck. I'm using Mac. This is the command to download plugin aio plugins:instal...
Hi Team I want to get dispatcher url so that I can perfrom url splitting and get titles. Currently when I try with below I am getting author /content urls even on publisher and dispatcher getting /content urls. getCurrentPage().getPath()this.getUrl() Is there any way to get the dispatcher url. Pleas...
I have the below query giving node traversal error. We have index in place for all the properties and using query manager we can see the right index is being picked also. SELECT * FROM [dam:Asset] AS a WHERE (ISDESCENDANTNODE(a,[/content/dam/test/vendor/external]) OR ISDESCENDANTNODE(a,[/content/da...
Hi Team I am using a sling model where I would like to get i18n name of a product but stuck as resourceBundle is giving me null. The below is code snip, Kindly correct me if anything is wrong. imports:import java.util.Locale;import java.util.ResourceBundle;import org.apache.sling.i18n.ResourceBundle...
Hello, Our error.log on the AEM Publish instances are polluted with millions of such messages:2023-07-18 14:47:00.810 *WARN* [sling-oak-observation-15] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.GuavaDeprecation use of deprecated Guava-related API - this method is going to be removed in future Oak releases - se...
I have a custom component and I bring a core component navigation as the snippet below But, for default the core component brought display the default title Navigation (v2) and I want to change to a custom title like ${properties.itemName}, how can I do that ? <div class="cmp-subitens--panel"> <d...
Hi All, The problem statement is as follows :I have created a custom integration configuration for Progressive Web Apps in AEM Adaptive Forms ( based on AEM 6.5 ). For a form that I am trying to convert to PWA, the start_url also includes some query parameters which are used for tracking how the use...