Hi everyone, We have a multilingual project in AEM 6.5 in which we need to show pages in the following languages: SpanishEnglishFrenchCatalanBasqueGalicianValencian All of these languages but Valencian have ISO codes. Valencian is linguistically considered a variant of Catalan language but political...
OOTB, when we include a Page in a Translation Project, language copies are also created for all referenced assets. We have tried Exclude Children option also in Translation Project, but no luck. Requesting suggestions on how we can exclude the Language copy creation for references, when needed. And ...
Hello, I replaced the core module in a Maven project with the core module from another project. However, when I ran "mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage", the package is not installed, so nothing found at http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles. I was able to make it work by manually install...
Hello guys, I have the following situation here: I'm trying to obtain the content of each page, in order to index it to solr documents.This will be used later, so when searching on the site for a word, the client will get the page which contains the text inside page body, for example. Now, the probl...
Hi Team, I tried servlet with extension as xml as below ,but it's not working @Component(service=Servlet.class,property={ Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION+"=Servlet to render asset data in xml", ServletResolverConstants.SLING_SERVLET_RESOURCE_TYPES + "=mysite/components/text", Serv...
Hi All, There are some xmp attributes which have been configured at the metadata node of an asset directly in the crx. We are trying to control the same attributes from the metadata UI. But we are not able to see the attributes in the metadata. Does anybody have any idea on this how to show xmp attr...
The thing is we are having a FILTER 2023 sort option on one of our website page. So, it is used to list all the 2023 created pages. So, before adding this 2023 filter option on PROD we had tested it on our local system, AEM-STAGE, AEM-DEV. And after confirmation we added the filter option on PROD.Af...
Hi there, The site displays "AuthenticationSupport service missing" when accessed when I try to set up Publish in RHEL 8.6 after installing aem-svc-pkg 6.5.16.Can anyone offer assistance in this case? I've tried removing the "repoinit" folder, but it didn't work. This frequently occurs. Thanks in ad...
I just want to change the height on the component dialog. It seems the height is controlled from here (/libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext/clientlibs/rte/coralui3/css/richtext.less). But I do not now how to extend that so I can supply my custom CSS. Thanks!
Colleagues, Is it possible to use environment-specific variables in @ObjectClassDefinition's default values, such as in the code fragment below?I tried it and it didn't work but maybe I am using incorrect notation. @ObjectClassDefinition(name="Runmode Example Service") public @interface Config { ...