HiI have customized the SiteAdmin.Actions.js by make a JS in /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/SiteAdmin.Actions.js structure and it is working fine.Now i want to include my JS file "StagingAssetSearchDialog.js" in the same structure under /apps/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm . For that I hav...
Hello,I have an application in which I need pages acting like structural nodes to arrange the actual pages within a section. To avoid the performance issues with the 1000 child nodes.The structure is something like this:/Home /section /{YEAR} (blank page - just structure) /{MONT...
HiI am trying to use the adaptive image in my text image, I am facing the problem when i place a image which has transparent background to adaptive image. When I try doing it The image generated using adaptive image servlet will have a Black background.Can anyone please help me resolve this.???
Hi Experts, I have created a custommultifield which consist of checkbox, textfield and textarea. custommultifield can have maxitems 3.I am facing problem while accessing the value of checkbox from component jsp.I am doing this from jsp: <c:set var="checkBox" value="${properties.parsysValue}" scope="...
HiI have a component which use to display all the node detail in a specific folder. But there is some problem when a pass a <%=variable%> to cq:include. When I read the source using firefox. It seems it can not read the jsp variable correctly. Please help.Below is the source from firefox when ...
Is there anyway to set the wcmmode specific to a group or user? Basically have a user that their wcmmode is always disabled so they can preview the site but not edit it? but still have other users as content authors that can make edits?
HiNeed to create global header and footer components which would have dialog for properties which can be updated by author and changes should be reflected across the all pages .We used design dialog to implement above functionality but issue with using design dialog is that it created properties per...
Hi Everyone,I am trying to use the xtype suggestfield as a widget on my dialog but I am having trouble with the suggestion results. How do we base the suggestion results on an external datasource?I added the "url" property, but don't know where to go from there.Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
We are trying to setup a Forum template using the Forum component in CQ5.4. I seem to have got this working, but one issue is that the Create Topic "box" appears in the published page. Is it possible to ensure that this create box does not appear on the published page. I have found if you do create ...