Hi.I'm interested in a mechanism of customising the osgi run mode configurations for a given environment before an AEM build is deployed to that environment. I'm generally against maintaining a config.<env> for each environment as i feel this introduces an unnecessary dependency on the development ...
Hi, Can I programtically build dispatcher cache without hitting out the browser ? I know I can invalidate the cache programatically by sending an http request. How about building the dispatcher cache for my required folder and subfolders without sending requests via browser ? i am using AEM 5.6.1 an...
Hi,I have done this tutorial: http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/persisting-cq-data-java-content1.html and it works fine.If I open a page (with the created template), the form is shown and works fine - but sitekick is not shown.My next step would be to show the sitekick and to add compo...
We're moving our CQ 5.5 sites to new servers, so I restored a backup on a new node just fine, but am having some trouble with the login procedure.It seems that the login works fine, but the user then gets redirected to CRX (with some broken images) instead of CQ. goes...
Hello,in my apps folder I have a project "myproject" and in this folder there is a folderstructure "components/clientlibs"./components/clientlibs/js.txt looks like this:#base=jsmqbehaviour.jsjquery-2.1.1.jsand mqbehaviour.js contains the following code:function testFunction() { alert('Hello from te...
HI,I have 5 widgets in a tab.1. checkbox2. radio3. textfield4. pathfield5. multifieldif you check 1, the 4 below will be disabled, if unchecked , the 4 below will b enabledif 1st option(link) of the radio is selected , the multifield will be disabled, if 2nd(dropdown) is selected, the pathfield will...
Hello everyoneI am currently in the process of setting up the automatic version purging service as described at http://docs.adobe.com/docs/de/aem/6-0/deploy/configuring/version-purging.html. There it is stated that both versionmanager.ivPaths as well as versionmanager.purgePaths (PID com.day.cq.wcm....
Hi All,I am trying to integrate LDAP with AEM 6.0. I have referred the link : http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/administer/security/ldap-config.html for the same.But, seems it is not working for me. Can anyone please tell me which ApacheDS ldap version is suitable for this? I tried with "ApacheD...