Hello,I was looking to see if any one had any recommended approaches for a solution we are trying to implement.We are looking to use variable replacement inside AEM. The variable replacement would be from within authorable components. For example if I wanted to use the RTE to replace {institution}...
Hi all,We have noticed that when our CQ5 environment is up and running for a few days, replication performance degrades significantly.When the system is healthy, at peak moments, there's 2MB/s data transfer observed in the network between the author/publisher instances.However when the performance d...
Hi , I have started learning AEM.How we have to design for the mobiles using AEM. How we have to identify the device and how to handle a website for mobiles?(including everything, creating templates, components,assets..etc)?
Hello there,in regards to the available hotfixes for AEM 5.6.1 listed here:http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/cq561-available-hotfixes.htmli was hoping to find a available download link for these specific packages:30-Apr-2014 NPR-3921 Thumbnail Creation Process Failing on certain Ima...
All the examples I have seen thus far (including official documentation) use simple return types for Java methods. In the following example taken from http://experiencedelivers.adobe.com/cemblog/en/experiencedelivers/2014/01/sightly-preview-part2.html getMyTitle returns a String :-<div data-sly-use....
Hi,Working on the PoC at the moment.Essentially, request comes into CQ5, then CQ5 must send request to 1 of x servers in order to retrieve the data.What are the options available in order to do load balance external application calls inside CQ5?Thanks,Peter
Hi,This link is no longer available: Installing AEM on an Amazon EC2 web service.Is there an updated version of it (for CQ 5.6) available?Also after installing author and publisher instances on different hosts, what steps should be taken to connect them together, as by default author thinks publishe...
HiI have a component which i drop, creates a parsys. Inside that parsys i drop another component sat compo2. I want to achive when i load the dialog for compo2, it will fetch the value of component & on the basis of this some functionality to be perform in dialog. Below is the listener in compo2 dia...