I want to set "org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" property in sling.properties file at the time of CQ installationSo earlier I used to start CQ from the commandjava -cp <path to>/cryptojcommon-6.0.0.jar –Xmx1792m –XX:MaxPermSize=256m –jar cq-quickstart.jar. and give com.rsa.* in org.osgi.framework.b...
Hello Experts, Is there any way to get List of All Activations happened on CQ Author for a Particular date?. I think we can get that using a particular Xpath Query but not sure how to do it. Thanks in Advance.
I am working on implementing an asset management system based on the Adobe DAM. I have noticed that there is an Expires field as part of the asset metadata but I can't figure out how this is used. Through some searches in the documentation there was a one sentence reference saying that this is used ...
Hi all, Need your expert comments. We are using CQ 5.6.1 We have a requirement to capture "Last-Modified" attribute in "Response Header" for DAM assets like PDF. We are able to see "Last-Modified" attribute in response header on Author & Publish for DAM assets. But "Last-Modified" attribute is missi...
Hi,Can anyone please help how to override the below sling servlet. This code is rendering only JCR nodes. But as per my requirement, I need to render whole page. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/bundles/servlets/get/src/main/java/org/apache/sling/servlets/get/impl/helpers/XMLRendererServ...
Hi,I started customizing the Geometrixx-media site in order to achieve our corporate look and feel.This involved adding some javascript / CSS in a clientLib, and changing the various page components (headers / footers / .....). I also added some new pages using the CQ5 WCM and added content to them....
I have dragged the predefined Form component in my page.[img]form.PNG[/img]I want to configure this form component i.e. by default it's points to itself, and data goes in BulkEditor. I want my data to be submitted to my own servlet. So how do I make the action="/MyServlet"I also want to include my ....
With out current implementation of MultiSite Manager (MSM), most of the authors are creating form pages from the blue print so it can be rolled our to live copy pages. There is a growing need to only display certain form components for certain regions or counties. For illustration, we have global n...