Hello,Based on the requirement i have the workflow attached below.Questions i have are:1. At the step: Review (Custom participant step returning dynamic group name) as shown in the snapshot, could i avoid sending notifications to user's email ID(user or users belonging to the group), but still have ...
Hi All,1) I have set up the eclipse workspace for CQ and just started doing some code. I am using and import on my java file import com.day.cq.wcm.api.Page; on which I am getting an error "The import com.day.cq.wcm.api cannot be resolved". Is there any dependency I will have to define for this in th...
Hi all,according to the doc, the content-package-maven-plugin has a new feature "mode" which sounds extremely helpful.However, when I use it, it's not working as expected.Does anybody have experience with this?The META-INF/vault/filter.xml generated by the maven plugin looks ok:<?xml version="1.0" e...
We have some urls in cq5 which doesn't have extensions(.html - done through vanity urls). The Apache dispatcher is not caching these pages, plz suggest on this.Regards,Susheel
I was asked to configure our CQ v5.6.1 authoring instance so that it would always land an author in the classic UI. I did that via the appropriate configuration change in Felix configurations. Now there are a couple of authors that want to explore use of the touch UI. Is there a way for a user wh...
I am using the DRM page to check on an asset and present with a form. Everything is working fine for admin or other users, but what will happen to anonymous users.Once the value "Accepted:true" is set in /home/users/Activity stream, other anonymous users can access the asset without the form/license...
hi, im trying to follow this tutorial about persisting data in JCR with a bundle.http://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-cq/using/persisting-cq-data-java-content.html# in the section Create an Adobe CQ archetype project im getting an error when i try to run the command:mvn eclipse:eclipse im getting this error...
Hello,Is there any way i could restrict the sidekick view to a particular user using permissions in AEM?I would like to hide the Versioning and the Information in Sidekick indicated by a lock and clock symbol., along with the scaffolding as indicated in red(attached) in the sidekick.Please let me kn...
I've been building a CQ page with a few teasers on it and I noticed that there seems to be a dramatic and noticeable slowdown whenever I scroll the page. I then tried it out on Geometrixx and I'm seeing the same thing. Chrome's javascript profiler revealed that scrolling around the page used up to 1...