In regards to the following article: When ever I'm trying to execute the .jar file it gives me the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/entity/mime/content/ContentBody...
Hi,I have a parsys component in my page. I drag and drop a component in it, and then lock the page. I, then login with some user in the same user-group and preview the page, but am still able to see the parsys component in the page and drag and drop components to a page that is locked by some user.I...
Hi Team,I have installed packages created in CQ 5.6.1 in environment having the version CQ 5.6.0 and when i opened am getting the following error. Cannot serve request to /apps/cq/core/content/welcome.html in /apps/cq/core/components/welcome/
Hi, all!!!Can anyone help me with usage of ImageSpriteServlete?I have seen documentation for this class, but still can get how to use it.Should i use it like /content/dam/app/icons/icon.102.22.rect.0.0.png or not?Best regards,Andrei
Hi AllCQ version 5.6I have the following scenario. Content is authored and stored in my CQ instance.Site A is using CQ and http://myUnsecuredSite/home/myCQPage.html will be deleivered by CQ. Straight forward scenario hereNow here is where things start getting a little bit complexI want on my secure ...
Hi All, I want to integrate autonomy search with AEM rather than to use OOTB lucence search engine.Can someone please explain me basic approach of integrating search engine with AEM?Thanks!Shehjad
Gents, I am trying to have access to AEM cloud Management. I followed the procedures and signed using my adobe account and received a notification that says:"Thank you for signing-up to use Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Cloud Management.You will be receiving an email shortly from Adobe with a lin...
Hi, I am writing a workflow. This is my Code, In workflow, I put a "Process Step" in a workflow called "my workflow", check "Handler Advance". Then I start the workflow on this page, The code does the job. But if I switch to http://localhost:4505/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html Instance tab t...
Hi, I have a component with design_dialogue. So in component JSP i access the field values of component via "currentStyle." object and it works great. For example:currentStyle.headingcurrentStyle.imagePath Now I have a requirement that i need the complete <div> of component exposed as JSON for which...
Hi All, We have deployed "workflow and Audit purge " package and scheduled to run by default 10 - 11 PM.We need to reconfigure to delete more than 60 days old completed and aborted workflow. (not less than 60 days workflow).Please suggest. In OSGI console, we have "Workflow purge watch service" and ...