Hello Community - I have a maven project which has only the core module and don't have any other modules(ui.apps, ui.content, ui.config,ui.all) in it. I'd like to create a bundle and encapsulate it in the package, so that when you install package which should install the bundle automatically. I can ...
I'm facing the below on a particular template in my project.When I click on the wrench icon to configure the component, the dialog opens up but keeps on loading. I then need to press escape button to get out of the loading. After a couple of tries, the dialog starts to open fine.What can be the issu...
Hi All,We have a requirement to store the asset reports which are available OOTB in the custom dam location. I know we have the option to schedule it manually from the report console but I want my schedular to call the asset report generation and store in the dam location.
Hi all, 1. Core Components should be used in place of Foundation Components, as they have multiple advantages.But my question is whether there is any use case where a Foundation Component is preferred to a Core Component? 2, Are Core Components available for all Foundation Components or for some of ...
HiI am trying to use https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/http-cache/subpages/base-config.html for storing JSON object. Can someone provide a working example. I tried using https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/http-cache/subpages/creati...
I want to unit test the following Sling model, which has similar code as of the core component ContentFragmentListImpl. I tried to understand the unit test for ContentFragmentListImpl, but failed to do so. Any help is much appreciated. Here is the code for the Sling model: @Model( adaptables = {Slin...
to export model I'm using Jackson exporter so json is coming for my model as expected.But I observed few of the model class again they are implements CompoentExporter?What is the use if class implements CompoentExporter?
Hello All, I am totally new to AEM from experience point of view and thus looking forward to suggestions from experts.We have Salesforce communities(it is basically a normal website used for self-service for users) for support and self-service work portal. Now, we want to Just replace the frontend o...
Hello,we are currently trying to setup and rollout automatic translations using Microsoft. (AEM Sites 6.5.16 on AMS).With this we have configured the setup of language copies and translations as described here:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/sites/administering/...