Hi All,My author is set-up with four publisher instances,can i designate any publisher instance which has to be preferred first among the four instances.Please advise me.Thanks,Kishore
I am using maven JSPC plugin for making sure that JSP's are error free before installing in to CQ instance. While i am trying to run it is throwing a error that it could not find libs/foundation/global.jsp. It's not a best practice to save global.jsp locally or including libs in the build.Can anyone...
I have installed 3 author clusters on a single mongoDB. The activation process takes long than a TAR MK author. When I checked the logs in debug mode , lucene indexing was going on. Will lucene indexing slow down the publishing process?
Hi everyone,we use an EventHandler to listen for Events from type PageEvent and we want to use a specific filter. The problem is that all information are saved inside an array (called: modifications). Here is a code example:@Component(immediate = true) @Service(value = EventHandler.class) @Propertie...
Hi,Our AEM 6.1 is not starting. The error.log file has the following warning and error error *WARN* [pool-7-thread-16] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.IndexCopier Error occurred while copying file [_sf.cfs] from OakDirectory@78da42b4 lockFactory=org.apache.lucene.store.NoLockFactory@...
As I understand JS code drived by Mozilla Rhino => JS code has full access to all services(example: java.lang.System.exit).I can create a new page (example: /blabla/i-am-hidden-url) and write simple JS controller: java.lang.System.exit(0); (yesss. it work) If I make request to: /blabla/i-am-hidden...
We have the below structure in classic UI:comp1: xtype: cqinclude path: /apps/thf/components/........./comp2/dialog/items/items/tab1.infinity.json comp2: xtype: panel Finding problem in converting it to respective touch ui dialog. Any suggestions?
I have a requirement to develop a custom carousel using Sightly, but there really isn't a lot of documentation out there, and I'm not sure where to start, or exactly how to go about it. There are several good javascript carousel/slider components, and I'm wondering if I should try to use one of them...
Hi, need curl command to check the family name and given name, if any one of the name is missing, need list of all such profiles with profile property. Thanks in advance.