Hi,AEM version: 6.0Tried to make an rmi connection, from java application.We followed the steps, as exactly as mentioned on the kb (https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/rmi-connection-crx-cq-561.html) and always we are getting the connection refused exception.Apart from enabling RMI Connect...
Is there any out of the box implementation to act AEM as IDP for another application by SAML. I have googled about this and found there is OOTB configuration for AEM to act as a service provider (SP). Please provide information or references to make AEM as IDP so that the users in the AEM are author...
In a JS USE API class I'm trying to access hasChildren of the org.apache.sling.api.resource.Resource but I keep getting the error: TypeError: Cannot find function hasChildren in object.code:result = this.page.getContentResource('MainContent').hasChildren()I've tested other stuff and at least getName...
We have a case where we need to make a tree of nodes visible for fixed list inclusion by a variety of publishers. Some of these nodes in the tree must not be visible by these publishers. These special nodes are created on author and have a scheduled activation. How can we set read access based on...
Hi there, This is my first post ever, on any site! So here it goes...Background: I know AEM and used it to author, migrate and manage content for a while for a couple of clients. I am familiar with most of it's robust functionality, but at a point where I have no more time to keep testing and perfor...
Hi All,In https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/deploying/version_purging.html#Version Manager it says"In addition to explicit purging by means of the purge tool, the Version Manager can be configured to purge old versions when new versions are created."Can you please let me know as to how, this c...
[Thread Edited By Adobe] /*Don’t forget to meet and greet your fellow peers virtually by telling them about yourself here. Go ahead and to it now: https://adobe.ly/3eDnB4v */ Actual Question: In JSP I have used (currentPage.getContentResource()).getResourceType() to access resourcetype of a templ...
Hi All,We are going to create login and registration modules,to implement these we are planning to use AEM forms.Please suggest how to use forms in this case and also my login and registration modules connects to a third party services.Thanks in AdvanceKishore.
AEM - 6.1: Component - granite/ui/components/foundation/form/fileuploadIf you create a fileupload field in a page properties dialog the drag and drop does not work. It will not allow you to drag and drop images from your assets. There is a built in example of this behavior that ships with 6.1. Crea...