I want to have the following setup1. Communities - use mongoDB as repository2. All other JCR Content - Use TARMK as repositoryIs above scenario possible ?
Hi GuysI am looking for the code sample aem-authoring-extension-assetfinder-flickr which is mentioned here http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/develop/extending/customizing-page-authoring-touch.htmlAs far as I can see the code samples are not linked on the page? (I might be a bit blind)Where can I...
I have an existing tag list that I want to import into the Tag Administration console.(See: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-3/wcm/tag_admin.html#Creating%20or%20Editing%20Tags%20and%20Namespaces)Is there a utility for importing an existing tag list, and if so, what is the preferred format (e.g.,...
Hi,I need to create a carousel component what is the procedures to starts with. And i need to get the all slides node from this slide node i need to get the property such as title and description which need to be placed above the slider image. Am still unable to get array of slides node and how can ...
Hi Team,Facing an issue in AEM 6. If we add user in a group , he can able to edit the component . If we removes from the same group , still he can able to do copy and paste action,Is any way permission is getting cached? Please let me know the path of the permission cached?We deleted AEM cache from...
I have modified the DAM Update Asset Workflow and now we have a situation where the workflow stops in between and hence the asset is no longer part of the workflow. Now I have written a code to start the workflow if the asset is not in the workflow. Now my question is, how do we check if the asset ...
What is the difference between <cq:include path="../metadata" resourceType="social/blog/components/metadata" />and<cq:include path="metadata" resourceType="social/blog/components/metadata" />Can someone please help. The docs are not satisfying
Hi, we developed a custom login page, to be used with a "closed user group".Works fine for successful login, but in the case of a 403, we had that ugly message displayed with the HTTP code. So I found this post:
Hi All,There are multiple pages in author under /content. Suppose each page has a property as below :Name Type ValueCustom String[] old:asdf,old:qwer,new:hjklNOTE : There are hundreds of property values which starts with "old:" notationSuppose, I want to find out all the pages, which has o...