I have a date property in my dialog with xtype "datetime". I am doing below operations in my taglib while accessing this property:ValueMap map = currentPage.getProperties();Calendar cal = (GregorianCalendar) map.get("releaseDate"); // Here let's say month was June.Date date = cal.getTime();// some l...
I am trying to install AEM project in Author and Publish by using the below maven command. but it installs only in publish. Is it possible to install in both?mvn -Daem.host=localhost -Daem.port=4502 -Daem.publish.host=localhost -Daem.publish.port=4503 -PautoInstallPackagePublish,autoInstallPackage...
Hi All,I am using AEM provided logo component for my project.By default text(Home) coming up with hyper link.when i switch to design mode I am not able to edit component and upload a image.Below is the code snippet to include logo component.<div> <div data-sly-resource="${'logo' @ resourceTy...
Hi All, I have been writing OSGI bundles in CRXDE Lite only. Many say it is supposed to be done by setting up Maven and Eclipse.I could not find any reasons why it should not be developed in Lite. Can someone please tell that to me?
I have assets stored in AEM that have lat/long attributes. I would like to create a component that lets users select one of these assets and then it will create a google map with marker for that lat/long. To accomplish this I have created a component that has googlemap.html in apps/foo/components/co...
Hi Guys,I am going to write AEM 6 Component Developer Certification exam. Can anyone let me know, which exam I need to take as below.9A0 - 382 - Adobe Experience Manager Component Developer Exam9A0 - 384 - Adobe Experience Manager 6 Developer Exam.I am bit confused which one to write. Can anyone...
We're planning to use Mongo to support distributed clustering and we were recently told, in the middle of our upgrade, that it was not possible to do an in place upgrade to mongo with the MongoBlobStore, that we would be forced to use the File storage plugin, which sort of defeats the purpose of clu...