lwe are seeing the below error everyday in Publish log while TarPM Index Merging starts at 2 AM EST and 5 AM EST on tarJournal/workspace and version folder respectively, 16.12.2015 02:02:58.549 *ERROR* [Tar PM Index Merge] org.apache.sling.extensions.threaddump.internal.Activator Uncaught exception ...
How should I go about creating a component that is able to walk the DOM tree for whichever page it is included on, locate certain HTML elements, and then modify/update or inject HTML on the page. It would essentially be updating or injecting HTML of the existing page, (i.e. of page you drag the comp...
I was following article https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-cxf-bundles-consume-web.html and https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-cq-bundles-consume-web.html to create a bundle so that I could consume web services.I followed the steps and was able to have m...
I'm attempting to follow the instructions for configuring our pages to realize the responsive grid as the default paragraph system. https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/operations/page-authoring/configuring-responsive-layouting.htmlUsing Geometrixx Media as a reference, when I select La...
Hi,We need to have a dropdown with multi selection on metada schema.The dropdown one we have on the schema editor it only allows the one for single selection.I know the widget for coral ui we can set that. I tried editing the node on crxde lite and set the property multiple to false, and it rendered...
Hi,do you know if performing offline compaction from time to time in production environment can increase performance besides reducing disk occupation? If yes could you also explain why you gain performance?Thank you,Stefano
I am using hudson build , it throwns an error Compiler Error: cannot find symbol symbol : method getBundleContext() location: interface org.osgi.framework.Bundle. Please let me know how to fix it . I am usign the below in pom <dependency><groupId>org.osgi.core</groupId><artifactId>org.osgi.core</...
I'm studying for the AEM developer exam and i have a question about one of the questions: Which template allowed Paths expression would allow a page to be created with the path/ content / main / page1/ page2?And the options are:A. /content/main/?B. /content/main/[^/]+(/,*)?C. /content/main/[A/]+[A/]...
Hi,I implemented error handler framework. It seems to be working for my UK server, but not on the US server. I have attached the logs from the US server. Need help urgently.Thanks,Harshit