HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
Hi All,We have one requirement in which client want to provide the permission at metadata fields level for DAM Assets. Are there any way to provide the permission at metadata field level so that few user can see that metadata field and few of them should not see that field?Thanks~S
We are using AEM 6.1. We tried the solution based on https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/multiple-digital-assets.htmlWe customized HandleFile.java a bit (just one line). It is attached here. HandleFile.java has a method writetoClintLib and it fails with NullPointerException at ResourceR...
Re: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/author/assets/dynamic-media/video.html#Publishing%20videos%20to%20YouTubeIs there a way to push videos to YouTube channels without setting up an Google Cloud Account.Why I'm asking because it's extra cost.Another article said you can push through Dynamic Me...
I created a mail service class, which should use the CQ Mail Configuration.However I compared my code to several samples from the Internet my service does not work, becausemessageGatewayService.getGateway(...) always returns null. This is my simplified code:------------------------------------------...
Hi All,We are able to retrieve properties present at the page level[directly under jcr:content of page] via Query Builder API.However, we have a requirement wherein we need to search for specific properties [along with properties under jcr:content] present under various components[those components m...
Hi,A requirement of our potential project says "CMS should allow Editing from Microsoft Word".I am trying to first understand this requirement (we are yet to clarify this from client) and then examine whether AEM has this feature.Is the requirement that we should be able to import Word documents in ...
Hi All,I'm trying to create backup from Felix console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/com.adobe.granite%3Atype%3DRepository)I'm using startBackup(java.lang.String target) operation to create backup and passing target path. It works fine when I use my local drive path as target. But it's no...