Hello Team, I was checking the TTL configuration in Dispatcher. Was checking this document: https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/dispatcher-ttl/Wanted to know, is there any dispatcher version for AMS setup? @aanchal-sikka @Raja_Reddy @arunpatidar @SureshDhulipudi
I have written graphQL Query to get the country data by path Query : query getCountryData($path:ID!){countryList(filter:{_path:{_expressions:[{value:$path_operator:STARTS_WITH}]}}){items{countryNamecountryCodecountryIsdCode}}}Request : {"path": "/content/dam/test/cf/country/en_UK/"}API end point : h...
Hi Folks, I am just planning to start exploring AEM or AEMAaCS to integrate with Chat GPT. Would like to understand how people are currently using it, what and all features chat gpt provides can be used in AEM. Chat, Audio processing, Image generation etc are client specific requirement and can not ...
How I can populate drop-down values using data source servlet where drop-down values require multiple fields (text field) values authored on same component ? I have three fields A B C then I have field D (drop-down fied ) which requires A B C as input to pull all the values How can I pass the value...
Hi , I have tried the PDF Rasterizer steps in my local environment suggested by Adobe. As part of this activity there are some certain steps have been included as per PDF Rasterizer and updated the existing Update Asset workflow and preventing the thumbnail and web rendition generation for PDF by...
Hi,I have added some fields in the content fragment configuration but they are not reflecting in the existing content fragment model, in the 1st image after "Order Date Label" I have added 4 fields, but in the 2nd photo they are not coming up, what can be the issue, am I missing something?1st Image:...
Hello, what happens is that I have a component and this has a sling model java, my idea is that I make a request with a url and I bring me the title of the page and save it in a getter, the code would be as follows: public String getRecipeTitle() { String pageLink = "PAGE LINK"; String...
We have recently developed some new editable templates and components including a component which isn't compatible with static templates. As we're soon moving to AEM Cloud from 6.5, we need to make this change and don't want to make the new component compatible with the older template which will gra...
I have created a custom experience fragment template type and using that template type have created an experience fragment template also. Both of this template refers to a node which has a dialog to add the certain JS & CSS in the XF. This node has a property- checked whose value is true by default ...
Dear Adobe team,Our team has implemented AEM as headless with Next.js, resulting in the loss of preview mode on AEM. In order to restore the authoring experience, we have been following the AEM + Next.js documentation. We have exposed an API that provides us with NEXT_DATA and another API for genera...