Hi all,I'm working on a popup component that lets lets the AEM Author input a integer to determine how long the popup should be active before it fades out. I'm able to return the integer in HTML using <p>Duration: ${comp.timeout} seconds</p>But as soon as I call it Javascriptwindow.setTimeout(closeP...
Hi All,Details as below :We have an issue wherein a dropdown field of type="select" and xtype="selection" with allowBlank="false", defaultValue="6" and itemId="sample" is there.And itemId is used in one of the listener to show/hide this particular dropdown in the dialog.Due to this, the dropdown is ...
Hi,We are trying to post a SAML request from AEM. For that we have created a AEM servlet which frame SAML request and do a post call.While building the bundle in eclipse we didnt get any error but when we install the bundle in Felix console we are having some reference errors. To resolve these refer...
Hi,I need to to implement Custom multiField for my classic as well as touch UI with a custom X-type. How do i proceed to make both of them work simultaneously. Whenever i make the calssic UI work I am unable to make the Touch UI work, and when I make the touch UI work my classic UI fails. also i nee...
I have AEM 5.6.1 implementation which is heavily content based application and implemented single sign on using Some Central authentication Services and Publish server has URL protected like /content, /etc, /dam /bin etc.So anybody try to access CQ Content path mostly will be redirected to CAS …Bro...
Hi,As we know in .jsp script file, we include global.jsp to include the implicit object. But in .html file of sightly, how these made available so we can use object like properties etc. Need to know the flow.Thanks,
Hi all,I have created a sightly column-control by extending the OOTB column control component which uses editbar for start and end of component.but now i am not able to drag and drop any other component above this column control component.I used OOTB column control component which also uses editbar ...
I need to create two components fro registration. On first component I should enter email address in textbox. If this email is already registered, I have to give already exists message. Otherwise it should go to second component and let the user fill his complete detail and the value of email should...
Hi,We hard-coded the Status codes and messages like ex: 200(Success), 403(Forbidden), 404(Nt found). etc., Now we have to call the Status codes through JSON response.Can anyone tell me how to do this and any code snippet will be helpful to me.Thanks,Ratna Kumar.
Does it make sense to have AEM as the sole system for ecommerce related features on the site (catalog, shopping cart, etc.)?It seems in most of the projects, there's an ecomm platform like atg or hybris and AEM just sites in front of it and communicates with these platforms either by services or by ...