In ClassicUI's SiteAdmin panel, there was a column for Template. Does nothing like this exist in TouchUI?I honestly can't seem to find a single way to determine what template a specific page is using in TouchUI. I'm considering overlaying /libs/cq/gui/components/coral/admin/page/columnpreview/column...
Hi,I am using one servlet with import or reference to one API in the jar.I have added jar file as external jar in my eclipse but I am getting build error."package com.mypackage.api.config does not exist"Please suggest how to add jar dependency in my servlet
Hi,I am trying to setup and register an Android device with AEM screens but can't get it done. I am using OOTB geometrixx screens project setup and have my Tablet running Android. I have pointed AEM player to my AEM instance running AEM screens. I can see my device listed under pending devices, i cl...
We have a sample site which has basic template and a page level component. In its head.html we have included the context hub which is not reflecting on the page. The code snippet for head.html of our sample site as shown below:<head><sly data-sly-resource="${ @ path = 'contexthub' , resourceType='li...
Hi,I have a image in local drive. I want to upload that image to in my AEM dam. For that I have written following code.public class ThroughHttpPost { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub File file = new File("D:\\images\\test.jpg"); byte[] bytesArray = new byte...
Hi - My products are laid out by Series -> Product. So is there a way to create a new cq:commerceType (for my series). I don't want to have "product" commerceType for series as well. What core files do i need to override to achieve this ?
I have a few vanity URLs set through the page properties. I have enabled the Dispatchers to recognize the vanity URLs through the /vanity_urls settings in the dispatcher.any.But the vanity URLs are not resolved because I have a set of sling mappings for different sites:And this is the one that has t...
In my AEM 6.1 project POM file, I have replaced below node with Uber.jar dependecy. <dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.aem</groupId> <artifactId>aem-api</artifactId> <version></version> <scope>provided</scope> </depend...
How to use the ContextHub in Touch UI. i had read this documentation. but it is not going to say anything except adding the <head> tag sling including ContextHub component. can i know the steps how to add this contexthubhow to test this onehow this is usefull in publish or end user usage of contextH...
Hi,I deleted a content node and i got the following error:Could not save changes. Received 409 (Conflict) for saving changes in workspace crx.default. /content/It is a small content node in a hero card. I am not adding any thing. I was deleting a content node and got this error. The content node i a...