Hi,I installed package AEM_SlingModel-1.0 (1) from https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/sling_models.html and invoked page using http://localhost:4502/content/model.html.It displays the window and the button "Get Sling Model Data", but when I hit this button, it is not populating the win...
Hi,I am trying to add some rule in adaptive form rule editor. But if the rules are little bigger then the focus is our of the screen and no scroll bar to access/view that. If one line code is big then no horizontal scroll bar is there. Its not big issue as still we can get all code while editing. Bu...
Hi, I am using CQ5.6 and Maven to build my codebase. Build goes well, but after I look at the bundle state, this shows installed. org.apache.jackrabbit.api.jsr283.security -- Cannot be resolved IN which repo, I can find this missing dependancy. Any helpThanks,
Hello All,I am looking at an Adobe forum post where the link rewrite is happening. How is the LinkTransformer class triggered? For example if I am testing this in local, and put a debug inside the class does a page refresh get to this class?Thanks..
Hi All, I am getting NullPointerException at --> Query query = builder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), session);I have used --> @Reference private QueryBuilder builder ; before (Outside) activate method.Code Snip:::Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.p...
I am trying to connect to the AEM 6.1 SP2 Java 8 environment running on Linux with a Windows Java 8 JConsole. I can connect to it unauthenticated. I can connect to it with SSL Client-Certs. I can not connect to it if I try to enable/configure external ldap server which requires authentication (ie...
We installed AEM 6.3 beta on linux and default admin password is not working. However when we install it in windows, it is working without any issues: Any help would be appreciated the only error I see:org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator handleLoginFailure: Unable to authenticate null...
Hello, I was trying to use the beta version of AEM 6.3. I thought of spinning up the 6.3 beta instance and deploy the existing package and bundles. But after doing so, everything started failing. There are lots of missing dependencies in the bundle and the UI package got imported with error.Here is ...
In the terminology I'm familiar with, "to check something out" is to reserve it. "To check something in" is to commit your changes and free it for future use.I have some server-side code that performs some operations and creates a new node after a file is uploaded. After I check this new node out an...