Hi,I have a requirement where I have to notify an user group created by me when a page is created or modified. For this I have created a launcher which will launch the workflow. But I'm confused about the workflow steps. As part of first step I created a participant step and selected the group creat...
Hi All,We have chosen wcm.io tool to do integration and unit testing for AEM projects.Can you please help me with this how we can integrate it with AEM and after integration how to do unit testing.I am following http://wcm.io/ , but i need above mentioned information.ThanksDebal
I have two includes on my sightly template (all files created by the Eclipse plugin):<div data-sly-resource="${image @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/image', cssClassName='hero-img mdl-shadow--2dp'}" data-sly-unwrap></div>This one renders some kind of default image:<img src="/etc/designs/de...
Hi I have a requirement in my component, Where the RTE Field is Required, I tried Adding required true, allowBlank False, But it is not working, I need to write the validation code to achieve this functionality, I found the code in below link but it is not working in AEM 6.2, I did the changes sugge...
Is there any issue in providing "read" access to project specific folder under /etc/tags to anonymous users? This is done for some of the geometrixx folders by default but not all folders under that. Is there anything important to keep in mind while enabling such access? or is it not right to enable...
Hello!I am trying to create an AEM project using Maven and Eclipse and using the vault tool (command line) to syn the changes between CRXDE and Eclipse. I am using the following article from adobe as my referencehttps://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-aem-project-using-eclipse.htm...
Hi,Is anyone using Angular 2 with AEM? I have gone through these articles but none of them worked properly.https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem_angular21.htmlhttp://keysandstrokes.info/integrate-aem-with-angular-2/http://keysandstrokes.info/integrate-aem-6-2-angular-24/I heard there ...
Hi,I missed the "Ask the AEM Community Experts Webinar: Building responsive layouts using Bootstrap and Angular JS" so I was wondering if there is a recording of it available?ThanksTheo
We have done an AEM 6.2 upgrade from AEM 6.0, post that any request to resource through SAML handler is redirecting to home page.for example : when resource request is for 'events' page like this is www.ex.com/system/sling/login?resource=/content/project/events.html it's redirecting to home page ins...
Hi all - I am new to Hobbes JS. I followed https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/develop/components/hobbes.html#par_title_4 and created a test suite with the following test case: new hobs.TestSuite("MyTestSuite", {path:"/etc/clientlibs/myFirstTestHobbes/MyFirstTest/myTestSuite.js"}).addTestCase(new...