Hello Friends, We have purchased AEM assets(AEM 6.4) and would like to expose the content fragments containing assets to 3rd party application in JSON format. Have been reading a lot of Caas on AEM ( for eg: Adobe Experience Manager - CQ Tutorials: Create Content Service End point in AEM 6.4 ) and s...
Last week, I downloaded the Cumulative Fix Pack 15 for 6.2 SP1 from Package Share. Today it is no longer in the list if I search for "6.2-SP1-CFP15". If I search for just "CFP15", I get various packages for AEM-FORMS and an older CFP for 6.1 SP2 (AEM-6.1-SP2-CFP15).The downloaded file was named "A...
We want to customize the landing page with gray background with a client specific brand and also customize the thin vertical bar, top navigation etc in 6.4. Is there documentation that explains what components we need to overlay etc?
All i have a workflow process step and it references class A that exposes a service, but when i check for the value of A in the process step, it appears to be null,i am injecting this service A using the @Reference.
Hi Guys ,I am using the below command , on my start script in AEM. -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xloggc:../logs/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -verbosegc -XX:+...
Hello Everyone,We have a usecase where I have to create a report(json) from content folder in author instance. This report should contain only those nodes which are activated and ignore the deactivated nodes.Currently the code which I have written is creating the JSON file correctly (using TidyJSONW...
Hi,We have a use case where users belonging to CustomGroup should only see custom workflows.All the OOTB workflows should be restrictedI see that OOTB Workflow like "Request for Deletion" doesn't have mixinTypes : rep:AccesControllable , hence i will not be able to restrict themMy question is whi...
Hi,How can I set date as a property value on a node using CURL command?Currently I am trying to execute below curl command but it is setting as String property.curl -u "user:pwd" --data "displayDate=2016-10-19T09:16:43.215-04:00" http://localhost:4502/content/my-site/my-page/jcr:contentThanks,Radha ...
Hey Guys,After refactoring code to 6.4 i am not able to see the custom process in the dropdown for the custom process step for the workflowAm i missing something?Refactored the annotations alone@Component(immediate = false, property={ Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=Description.", Co...
Hi All, After using the default datepicker (granite/ui/components/foundation/form/datepicker) in page properties when I try to fill in the value in the dialog it works fine as expected. But later when I try to empty the field or remove value from there then it still stays and also in the reposito...