Our team is currently on 6.3 and we're looking for a way to turn on "smart" or "curly" quotes for text either in the rich text editor or in a basic text input field.Is there a setting to turn or plug-in that can be used to help us with this? We don't want to have to do a global find and replace beca...
Hi All,I have a Java component bean which creates a child resource and then calls resourceResolver.commit().It is working fine on the 6.3 Author server.But on the 6.3 Publish server it is throwing the following exception:-org.apache.sling.api.resource.PersistenceException: Unable to commit changes t...
Hi All,I am putting the below html code in Source editor of Richtext, but it is removing the href attribute. Can anyone please tell me if I need to add any context while displaying the RTE. I am already using @context=''html' <div class="back-button"> <div class="container">...
I tried creating a project using archetype 13 from cmd line since the eclipse plugin was misbehaving. I used the archetype 11 command and just changed the version to 13. Project got created fine but when i deployed it to AEM, AEM bombed. Nothing opens up anymore. Everything results in empty screen. ...
Hello Guys, I am trying to implement SAML integration with AEM 6.4. I have followed most of the steps mentioned in the link https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem63_saml.html.[1] Below are the steps I did.1.Created an SSOCircle account as mentioned in [1].2.Configured KeyStore & Trust...
HI All,We have a scenario where we want the empty alt attribute to be preserved as alt="" instead of stripping the empty string. Screen readers skip the image when alt="" whereas if only alt is found, some screen readers like Jaws and NVDA do not skip the image.What we want: <img src="xyz" alt="">Th...
I've been struggling getting ACLs built on a JCR structure for a while now. The requirement seems super simple, but I can't seem to find the solution.Let's say I have the following node structure:car-types (Properties: jcr:primaryType, jcr:mixinType)bmw (Properties: jcr:primaryType, jcr:mixinType, j...