Hi I'm using AEM 6.3 Touch-UIThis is the dailog.xml for multi field in separate columnThis is the dynamic node structure item0, item1 and item2 created under page after I've authored the multi field component thrice...I tried to pas the parameters through <sly data-sly-use.linkInfo="subLinkLogic.js...
Hi ,The checkbox in Cloud Services tab in page properties dialog in AEM is becoming unchecked irrespective of making any changes in any tab in the page properties dialog once I click save & close button.Is there a way to fix the issue?I am using AEM 6.3 SP2[Here is the list of all Adobe forums... ht...
Hi,I'm trying to create audit log for useradmin activity (create user/group, add user to group, remove user from group...). I've read an article about adding this config in Apache Sling Logging Logger:Log Level: InformationLog File: logs/useraudit.logMessage Pattern: leavel defaultLogger: com.adobe....
Hello,We have an interesting scenario. We have a component with dialog having 3 fields - 2 text fields and one RTE field. Upon opening the component dialog, we get the dialog fields as shown in image below. You can see the 3rd field is Richtext and RTE editing options appearing there.Now the moment ...
Hi All,After Installed my application in AEM 6.4 I'm getting this error. When my application core-bundle is up then we-retail page is getting issue and application pages are working fine , when I stop my application core-bundle we-retail page is working fine. Seems we retail page is having some depe...
Hi All ,Can you please tell me some ideas how can we configure a maintenance page in AEM which is deployed in IIS server.I got some blogs which refer to Apache server.I understood the fact that we need to create a stand alone html page and redirect it to this page during 503 error or maintenance.Ple...
I know for a page or for a dam asset, can check cq:lastReplicationStatus to know whether a resource ( page or dam asset only) replication status. (published, unpublished etc)Is there a way to know when I trigger a workflow on a page and page has some images that are not yet published ?Thanks,Sree
In AEM, how can we write a query as the default search works, where a Tag ID is saved for an asset, while the user wanted to search by the Tag Name/jcr:title?For example, we can search for assets that has a particular Tag assigned. As below:the way there are assigned is as follows:And are saved in t...
Hi Guys,I was trying to access a specific resource from my Servlet. Before that I created a system user, then added permission to that user to a specific node. But I think I did a mistake while configuring the user in system console User Mapper Service due to which I am unable to retrieve instance o...
Hi,WE are upgrading to AEM 6.4. I am trying to install custom package from package manager. When I am trying to do test install i m getting below error although install of package is successful.These are custom components.How do I remove these errors?reverting approx 1025 nodes... (dry run) E /apps...