We have integrated with target using the experience fragments approach. Now, There is requirement to targets users based on the cookie value in the browser. Do we have any approach apart from Target Audience Based on Cookie Value mbox approach?
HI,I have gone through the concept of AEM search boosting for Dam Assets in adobe sites./// https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/assets/using/search-boost-technical-video-understand.html...///I want to know it that possible to boost the cq:pages.please share your ideas
Hi All,I'm having the below JMX java class with the implementation. Once I build this and deploy it into bundles, in the logs I could see the particular JMX Service is registered successfully. But the particular service is not available in JMX console. The same service which I want to see is availab...
Hi All,Guess, there is a Threshold plugin, which when used with RTE, displays an icon in the RTE toolbar indicating whether or not the text content has passed a set of thresholds.The plugin can be configured with a defaultColor configuration property(defaults to green) which will be used when none o...
Dear All,First time I am building a new AEM 6.4 project by using DarchetypeVersion=13 , as shown below.mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=13 -DarchetypeCatalog...
HiIn AEM 6.4 I have created a custom sling:resourceType(customfield)which has two fields - custom text and custom pathbrowser.However in contributor group, i see that this custom resourceType doesn't have read permission for custom text and custom pathfield by default. Path: /apps/myproject/componen...
I have 2 simple schedulers. They should both result in an message to the logs every 5min. However, The OSGi DS version does not get registered as a Scheduled Task. Is there something in addition to what is below that is needed to make this work?Using Felix SCR/** * This service runs every 5 mins */@...
I don't see cloud services or IMS option in AEM 6.3 to integrate with Adobe Launch. Does AEM 6.3 provides any option to integrate Launch or else the only option is to upgrade to AEM 6.4 or else hardcode the js script in template?
I am trying to save around 1000 product nodes. before saving I am fetching these record from external system and processing in scheduler. tryed saving node one by one after processing completes for one node, session was loosing data in between and one node has lot of data. So trying multiple times s...