I'm working in AEM sites 6.2 and am looking for a way to edit the automatically generated html of the table component. If I generate a base 3x2 table I am provided with this:<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td>...
Hi, I am using image V1 from core components. The image file field is a mandatory field and I need this to be optional.On Granite UI documentation it says that the fileUpload has the required property, but when I use it and set to false it does not work on 6.4 version.How can I set the file image to...
Hi Team,We followed this 2 articles for using relational Database in AEM:Adobe Experience Manager Help | Injecting a DataSourcePool Service into an Adobe Experience Manager OSGi bundleAdobe Experience Manager Help | Querying and Persisting Adobe Experience Manager data into MySQLAs per the article g...
HI,I have "Image" tab in my page component dialog (cq:dialog) where authors can drag & drop images from DAM. When I open page properties, I do not see any option to drag & drop images from DAM in touch ui.How should I drag & drop image in page properties ?
GDPR Clean up activity for Comments- AEM 6.3HI, I have gone through the User and UGC Management Service in AEM Communities and install the servlet in my local.But when i hit the servlet using the path ( http://localhost:4503/services/social/ugcmanagement?user=weston.mccall@dodgit.com&operatio n=getU...
Hello Everyone,I published content(text, image, video) from author site to publish site.Text and image display in publish site successfully.But video file(ex:test.mp4) doesn't play in publish site.I uploaded video file(ex:test.mp4) into Assets like below one.In Assets, it plays but doesn't sound.Au...
Greetings,Recently was looking for approaches on how to pass cacheable (on Dispatcher / CDN tiers) parameters to Sling Servlets and the optimal solution seems to be usage of Sling suffixes.There the following URI template comes up:/bin/project/endpoint.json/parameter=value/parameter2=value2/.jsonThe...
I have custom script to restrict the page to initiate a workflow if the page is already in workflow.Code is working fine on browser console.But I need to integrate this in AEM on click of "Start Workflow" in touch UI page editor.Can some one tell me which clientlib category I need to pass to execute...
Hi Community Experts,Recently while going through the dispatcher flush mechanism, I felt for our scenario the OOTB mechanism is not completely suitable. Please correct me, if my understanding is wrong.My understanding (After doing an end to end setup):Whenever any file is getting activated from auth...