Hi Team -We have 200+ sub-sites along with the main site in our AEM platform. We are yet to go to production. To strip the content path we are depending on the configurations in JcrResourceResolverFactoryImpl, and adding the path that needs to be stripped under the property config "URL Mappings" (re...
Hi there. Right now I'm working on a component that will display a list of pages, sorted by the date. To do the sort I used the jcr:createdDate but the client is actually looking for a sort based on published date. That means that the articles that were published in AEM earlier in time will be shown...
Is this a known issue and if so, what's the fix for this? Drag and Drop Image(File upload) when used as first level field it is working fine.<bannerImage jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/fileupload" autoStart="{Boolean}false" class="cq-dropta...
Hi All,I am trying to configure the user synchronization in my application by using the config files in apps. This is the config PID org.apache.sling.distribution.agent.impl.SyncDistributionAgentFactory.84634fbb-92e9-47b3-8aa4-4ef21ce62504 from configMgr, but the id is diffrent in each environment.W...
Hi all, I need to Embed an external Search widget in an AEM web page. It must be searchable and results displayed within the widget. Another tab shall open when the user selects a result from the widget results. I see that AEM has an out of box External iFrame, that allows a web author to reference ...
Hi all, I was going through the following URL for AEM 6.4 SEO. https://helpx.adobe.com/in/experience-manager/6-4/managing/using/seo-and-url-management.html 1. robots.txt file is to block crawling of any content that should not be indexed. XML sitemap is to make it easier for search engines to crawl ...
Hi all, AEM has a LinkChecker functionality out of box, which could be used to check for broken links without any coding. Similarly does AEM have Accessibility and Search engine optimization (SEO) Checkers also? Accessibility Checker should check Accessibility requirements compliance and similarly S...
I've finally got UserSync working on the 3 publishers I have running on AEM, and things are mostly ok until the distribution queue for two of the publishes gets blocked by a node ending in rep:cache which is happening pretty regularly, even when user nodes aren't being updated. We're current...
AEM 6.3, Touch UI. I have a simple template and page component, described in detail at Layout Mode Not Showing Up. When a page using that template is locked, the page cannot be edited, due to a javascript error:Once this error occurs, the globalbar buttons, like Edit, Preview, Unlock, and Page Infor...
I'm using AEM 6.3. I have static templates that were using parsys (foundation/components/parsys) and now I'm trying to switch to layout (wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid). I've tried following the instructions in Configuring Layout Container and Layout Mode, but it is still not working.Here ...