Hello All,As part of AEM 6.3 to 6.4 migration. we are trying to move persistence cache ContextHub. But it's not working. This worked like a charm in AEM 6.3Following steps has been performed to achieve.Moved custom ContextHub form '/etc/cloudsettings/default/contexthub' to new '/libs/settings/clouds...
Some UI issues need a recompilation of the JSPs in order to be resolved (/system/console/slingjsp). However, in AEM 6.5 (tested on an OOTB installation with no additional packages installed) the console with which this is usually done is no longer available. It is not present in the menu, nor is the...
Dear All,I have below requirement in my AEM-6.4Step-1Extract plan id from cookie/session/http header (I want to write a dummy request for now For example I should get PlanId value as 197881 from cookie/session/http header)Step-2I want to Extract plan id from my content path URL (My dummy content pat...
I'm getting a compile error trying to reference the class com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Text:package com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models does not existI have this dependency in my pom.xml:<dependency> <groupId>com.adobe.cq</groupId> <artifactId>core.wcm.components.all</artifactId> <...
Hi, When I export and Adobe Experience Fragment to Adobe Target it gets created under the Offers Tab on Adobe Target. Is there a way I can configure it to copy the fragment to a specific folder under Offers Tab instead of the default?
Hey guys,I need to initialize a sling model for component B from inside component A. I have access to a sling Resource object for component B and a SlingHttpServletRequest for component A. So I can easily do:ComponentB componentB = resourceForComponentB.adaptTo(ComponentB.class);But the @PostConstru...
Hi All,Kindly Assist me in getting clear idea on Proxy connections role towards Replication-->Our Replication was failing due to Proxy Connection: Close issue and for this we have Disabled the proxy connection and after that issue was resolved.I want to know while working on Replication issue is Pro...
Hi All,whenever we'll get a exception in a particular process step, there will be a option called "retry" instead of "complete" if we select that retry option, the particular step will be re executed againif there is no exception it will move to its next forward stateif there is still exception the...
AEM Vanilla 6.4.4 Instance. Tried creating catalog for We.retail but cannot select the blueprint. On click, Instead on selecting the catalog it is navigated further.This was working fine for 6.4.3Steps followed: 1. On AEM start page, click sites. Navigate to /content/we-retail/us.2. Click Create -> ...