Hi, we are running AEM 6.5. We have some application to application connectivity, whereby we have a on-premises Java applicaiton which is calling an API on a cloud hosted AEM 6.5 instance. We want to add in oAuth for the authentication piece, but can not find any sample in the Adobe documenation of ...
Hi All,We are using contexthub on our website. We are experiencing issue, after the component is edited in target mode. We are unable to edit the targeted component in edit mode. Edit behaviour is only available in target mode. Is this expected behaviour?unable to edit component in edit mode after t...
Hi, i am facing a problem like not able to cache image renditions. Added a dispatcher for the author for performance improvement.In Dispatcher cache i have given statlevel as 4and the cache rule i have given to cache all the files under a project for example "react_aem_spa".and also under invalidate...
I was working around the following workflow. Once getting in the Author Admin Approval OR split reject, it's not taking the next process step. Similarly in the approve branch, steps after the approve/reject participants of inner OR split are also behaving the same way.
Hi All, I have a business use case where I want to access component style system authored in editable template policy. I looked for an API and nothing similar available. There is a property same in my content component node with cq:styleId. usiing this style id I want to access my style name authore...
Hi guys, We have run into a small problem where some of the css on editor.html is problematic, causing some of content not to display properly. In order to fix that, we'd like to add our own css to that page. When I look at the page source, I see: How does AEM choose which stylesheets to use here? H...
Just seeking clarification on the nosamplecontent runmode. Is this is one-time runmode used for the initial installation only? Or, in order to maintain the "production ready" status, should it be used on every start of AEM for the lifetime of the instance? If it varies by AEM version it would be ...
If we make use of any ready mark up available for carousel component w.r.t amp, we are unable to fetch the teaser title,description and button link. We followed this link https://amp.dev/documentation/examples/multimedia-animations/image_galleries_with_amp-carousel/ for getting ready markup for AMP.
Hi, When am activating a page it is asking to publish referenced pages, assets, etc.Is there any way to get similar popup for deactivation also. Means need to deactivate referenced pages and assets when we deactivate the page. Thanks in advance.
I got stuck on CUG and this is NOT what I am looking for. We require to add jcr:write access for a single user to a new node that we create also through code. All I can find is code examples prior 6.3 change to CUG, but these are no longer working How can we still use AccessControlList.addEntry(pr...