Is it possible to conditionally include different clientlibs based on the user agent of the browser?IE <sly data-sly-use.clientLib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.js @ categories='a'}"/> Modern Browsers <sly data-sly-use.clientLib="/libs/granite/sigh...
I have AEM 6.5.3 (upgraded from 6.4.4, but same thing happens on a fresh 6.5.3 instance) and I have installed latest Groovy console (14.0, but same error occurs on 13.0 as well). Version of ACS Commons is 4.0.0 (but also tried with 4.3.4 and 4.5.0). All bundles are properly started. When I try to ac...
Hi , We were executing a query with a property is not null in the logs we found thatit is showing it traversed 2000 nodes and suggesting "consider creating an index or changing the query" Could you please suggest as how could i go with creating an index for this Thanks
In the sites and assets list view with My Preferences set so "Relative Date Presentation" is set to "Always show exact date", just the Published and Modified Dates display. We want the date and time displayed (like was available in classic).The time is available in the <time> element, but not inclu...
Hi All,I'm facing one issue related to 6.5 Image drag and drop in page property, since page property opening in full screen unable to access content finder. We have custom tab where image can be dragged and dropped, what is the alternate way to achieve so? except pathbrowser -> have issue with imag...
Hi All, We have one use case where we are using the child editor in the container component same way as "/apps/core/wcm/components/carousel/v1/carousel" is using.When we open the dialog for the component, we get option to add child components in the container component in items tab.after selecting o...
I've uploaded 2 word documents (both .docx) on my local and Adobe AMS-hosted AEM. Both documents contains a form. In both instances, these things happened:1. DAM Parse Word Documents workflow triggered2. images presents on the Word document where identified as sub-assets But something is different f...
Hi All, We are trying to upgrade from AEM 6.3 to 6.5. After the upgrade we noticed that gigya cloud configuration stopped working causing error in the jsp of gigya. On further investigation we found out that in OSGI have Enable encapsu...
Hi All, We have a requirement that we don't want to translate/update translated content on a component in language copies. We have in the past send the english page(containing the component) for translations and now want to keep separate content in language copies. But when ever we send the english...
I'm running into an issue where an editable template's "structure" components are not showing up in the publish environment. (I'm assuming this means that the template is not rendering at all, since the "Initial Content" sections would be part of the page itself at that point.)The structure componen...