Hi I have setup SAML auth handler on my AEM Authors and Publishers. Users are able to login and perform the required operations. My issue is - We use Jenkins/jules for build and release, jenkins uses cURL to upload and install code on the AEM instances. With SAML handler forwarding requests to IDP ...
I am trying to Integrate AEM with Sales Force, conenction is successful.When i use OOTB Sales Force Search Component, dialog of the component is not working as expected.Operator and Values fields are not allowed to edit. Could you please provide any ideas over it. I have tried this component in 6.5 ...
When a create a project using command as mentioned in https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype Command to create project-mvn -B archetype:generate \-D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes \-D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \-D archetypeVersion=23 \-D aemVersion=cloud \-D ap...
I am using the ACS sitemap feature to generate the sitemap for my site. This is rendered on the page with .xml extension.However, the security checklist recommends disabling .xml extension in the Apache Configuration."As a preventive measure disable the other default renderers (HTML, plain text, XML...
Background of this issue :-4 indexes got corrupt in Production environment. We completed reindex for all corrupt indexes , I could see indexes got restored and removed from corrupt list in JMX (async)As we know Incremental Indexing will trigger for Delta updates but its in loops due to Excepting dur...
Hi Members, I am trying to integrate my local AEM 6.5 instance to a Kafka instance running on confluent cloud. I have written a servlet that uses Kafka Streams to connect to Kafka instance. Now when I am trying to deploy the servlet in my local AEM, the kafka packages are showing as 'cannot be resol...
While creating Experience Fragment Variation Page facing validation issue. In variation page I have 7 fields in that Field 1, 6 and 7 are mandatory fields Field 6 is -> Tag Field (cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield)Field 7 is -> Select Field (granite/ui/components/foundation/form/select...
We are on AEM 6.5.0 and have a content & XF structure as below /content/abc/language-master/en [Blue Print]/content/abc/us/en [Live Copy] XF/content/experience-fragments/abc/language-master/enIs it possible to create live copy for experience fragments (/content/experience-fragments/abc/us/en)-When I...
[Re-post from: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager-forms/accountmanagementservice-bug-or-not/qaq-p/366740/comment-id/4198#M4198] I was looking at the "AccountManagementService" as this function provide two nice features to validate users who can register themsel...
I have a couple of policies that need to be deleted from the layout container. Documentation I referred to are: Delete a policy , Using the document security webpages but these were not as helpful.