Hi Everyone, I have a workflow process class and a junit test class for it. Junit tests run successfully. However, Jacoco reports 0% coverage. It seems to ignore this class because of the annotation:@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) I'd like to use the new @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class), but I...
Hello Community - Need your suggestion to implement the solution for replicating the page. We have a admin page in author instance and it is only internal to the authors. In our admin page, we will be having a drop-down selection to select the page and also there will be a button next to it. Once th...
I am executing DataStore Garbage Collection job weekly and it is always failing.I checked repository , datastore and segmentstore both are consistent. No error in repository check.But what could be the reason of failing DataStore Garbage Collection . i am using AEM 6.4
Hi,In AEM touch ui, we can trigger multiple workflows on same page/payload. How can I restrict it to only one workflow.I have tried with on click event on the create workflow button and try to find the payload in all available workflows in a servlet using the workflowsession.getAllWorkflows(), but t...
Hi , Is there any way to get workflow ID in edit mode of a page when logged in as a content author. Without servlet call to query the available workflows. AEM version : 6.5 Thanks
Hi all, SetupAEM version: 6.5.6We have a website with multiple regions and languages, in the example I provide it's the Mexico/Spanish tree, e.g. /content/mysite/mx/es.We have set up i18n keys for EN and ES locales.Steps taken + IssuesNo jcr:language provided in mx/es page, i18n translations rendere...
I want pass list index value to sling model.<sly data-sly-list.img="${guide.itemsList}"><span>index: ${imgList.index}</span><sly data-sly-use.multi="${'com.mycom.....MultiField' @ index=${imgList.index}' " />This gives me null value at model. I tried to with pass with quotes , it gets passed as str...
Hi Team, when I tried to disable the "Properties", "To Collection" , "Annotate" , "Quick Publish"from Action Bar for specific Schema folder. It is disabling for all the schema folder. The requirement here is- Suppose we have two schema folder in DAM, with different metadata schema, eg. public and c...