Preview and renditions are no longer getting created on image upload in our production author instance 6.4.8. (it still works in the lower environments) Here's what we see in the error log: 28.09.2020 10:58:52.776 *ERROR* [JobHandler: /var/workflow/instances/server0/2020-09-27/mfs_update_asset_209:...
when converting sling models to jackson mapper I am getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) (through reference chain:["resource"] ReportPage page = (ReportPage) report;Map<String, Object> repor...
Hi, I have a workflow that I want to run on any assets created in a specific DAM folder, lets call it "data-folder".I need this workflow to run after DamUpdateAsset.I would prefer to do this without modifying the DamUpdateAsset model.I need to do this with an AEM workflow launcher, and not an EventL...
Hi, I am running a Groovy script to delete some child nodes from the home/users/X folder in AEM but I am getting javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Item is protected error I am logged into CRXDE, groovy using the admin id. The script that I am running is: import javax.jcr.Node;import ...
Hello everyone,I want to get the result in my Node JS when I run a specific query on the magento server.I have used the Apollo libraries to hit the Magento endpoint, but getting below error:"message": "Encountered a sub-selection on the query, but the store doesn't have an object reference. This sho...
Da Adobe nun den Download von Fireworks gänzlich nicht mehr anbietet (jedenfalls nicht unterm Mac OS Catalina) habe ich ein Problem.Ich benötige einen alternativen Weg zu dem Fireworks Filter der sich unter Filter > „Andere“ > „In Alphakanal konvertieren“ hat finden lassen. Dieser bewirkte, dass ein...
Hi All,We have one requirement need to write groovy script to update component node.1.need to find the list of pages where tab component been usedtab component has multifield where each field has tab id and tab name and can author upto 5 tabs.2. Once we get the list of pages, we need to find the com...
Hi, I am trying to create a runmode configuration for OOB Guide Localizaton Service.I have created the sling:OsgiConfig node inside the config folder of my project as "" and added both the multivalue properties"Localizable Properties" and "supp...
We have a requirement to download the workflow every quarterly for audit purposes. The client is happy with the workflow report generated by the console. We need to add one more tab for the comment section that the author adds during workflow initiation. I cannot download the report from this consol...